five • no proof

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soon enough, i found myself in the hospital with my mom and lydia. my mom had asked for what we needed, which made melissa frown in confusion.

"you want what?" she shouted over the noise of the thunderstorm that was raging outside. it was nearly deafening, even in here. she lowered her voice, realizing she had caught the attention of several nurses, repeating, "you want what?"

"claudia's medical records." i asked again, "just for a minute. we know it's a lot to ask."

"it's up there." melissa agreed, nodding. "it's way up there."

my mom butted in, "as the more recently enlightened of the three of us, just trust me. there are lives at stake."

"letting the three of you look at private medical records is completely and utterly against hospital regulations." melissa said, and my face dropped. i let out a sigh, disappointed. she glanced around before continuing, "so, we better make this quick."

she then led us to a back room, keeping the lights off good measure. she made her way to a lone computer in the corner, beginning to enter a series of numbers for her clearance. once given access, she pulled up claudia stilinski's information. we were met with several zeros, including the number of children she had.

"sorry, guys." my mom sighed, "according to her medical records, claudia never had children."

i furrowed my eyebrows, my eyes wandering over the screen, "well, but she had..."

"frontotemporal dementia." melissa read, confusion in her tone. she shook her head lightly, "there must be a mistake."

frontotemporal dementia. areas of your brain start to shrink. it's the only form of dementia that can hit teenagers, and there's no cure.

"how long ago?" my mom asked, "she seems fine now."

"ten years?" melissa didn't try to hide her confusion. the record didn't make any sense. "i'm surprised she's still alive, honestly. it's a miracle."

as we left the room, lydia and i shared a look. my mom, lydia and i hung back, circling around the hallways to try and make it less obvious what we had done. in beacon hills, there were no miracles. something was wrong.

when we made it back to the nursing station, melissa was helping another nurse wheel an injured man into a room. i noticed that it was chris argent, badly wounded as he let out a quiet groan on his place on the gurney. malia and scott stood by the doorway of the room, speaking with melissa.


"i'll go home and look there for anything," my mom spoke, nodding. she sent me and lydia and soft smile before heading out of the hospital.

"what happened?" lydia asked as we made our way over to scott and malia.

"are you okay?" i asked her, my eyes landing on the large bruise by her eye.

"the ghost riders took everyone." malia explained. "and we barely slowed them down."

scott put his hand on my arm, his eyes flickering between lydia and i, "tell us you found something."

"we found out claudia never had children." lydia explained, "so... stiles can't be her son."

"what about a relic?" malia asked, looking to me. i sighed, shaking my head. i met scott's eyes, the boys lips turned into a frown. malia spoke again, her voice sad, "there never was a stiles, was there?"

"it doesn't even sound like a real name," scott added, his voice quiet.

i shook my head, "we have to keep looking."

the hunt • stiles stilinski [3]Where stories live. Discover now