three • searching for answers

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i stumbled through the front door of my house, mind set on one thing and one thing only. i made my way through the house, straight for the basement stairs. i swung open the door, flicking on the basement light before descending the staircase.

my chest was heaving up and down as i breathed heavily. my heart was racing. i could barely breathe. i was sure i was having a panic attack, only i didn't bother to care. i needed to get downstairs.

"liv?" liam's voice rang through my ears, causing me to turn on the bottom step. he was stood at the top, looking down at me in confusion. "what're you doing?"

"i need- i need to remember." i gasped out. without another word, i made my way to the door in the back of the basement. i waved my hand, hearing the lock click. i pushed it open, my eyes darting around the room. suddenly, a gust of wind blew past me and i gripped onto the door frame for support.

my eyes squeezed shut. a memory flashed in my mind. it was back when melody had just crushed the crystal that was holding her magic. i was laid on the floor, unconscious. somebody had their arms around me, holding me in their lap. only i couldn't see who, it was too foggy. everything was a blur.

then, allison's face flashed in my mind. we were in the field, butterflies fluttering around us. i looked to the girl sat next to me, her smile sad as tears pooled in her eyes. this time when her mouth moved, i heard it. i heard her words, her voice.

"but he misses you more."

i inhaled sharply, pushing myself through the room. i grabbed the first book off the shelf, quickly flipping through it. i groaned, throwing the book to the floor. it landed with a thud. i grabbed the next, and the next. as i was flipping through the fourth one, my mom stepped into the room, liam following closely behind.

"liv, honey, what are you doing?" my mom asked, slowly making her way over.

"i have to remember him." i said quietly, my eyes locking themselves on the pages of the book again. i let out a frustrated groan, throwing the book to the floor beside the others.

"remember who?" liam asked.

"i don't know," i replied hesitantly. i flipped open another book, my eyes scanning over the multiple potion recipes. "there has to be something. a potion, a spell. something!"

the light above us blew out. glass shattered as it exploded, falling down around us. the noise caused me to jump in shock, the book slipping out of my grasp and falling to the floor with a thud.

"okay," my mom deadpanned, stepping over the books and stopping beside me. her hands gripped my arms and turned me to face her. "what is happening?"

"the ghost riders." liam blurted out.

i nodded eagerly, "yes! they took him."

my mom nodded slowly in understanding. we had told her about the ghost riders, about the wild hunt. she glanced at liam before looking back to me.

"who, honey?" she asked softly, her eyes filled with concern. "they took who?"

i let out a shaky sigh, my voice quiet as i replied, "i don't know."

it was honestly like a punch to the gut. i knew that someone was missing, i knew that i must have been in love with him. it was the only thing that made sense. it just angered me that i didn't know who he was. i couldn't even remember what he looked like. all i had were three things, the sound of his voice, the word mischief, and the word stiles. but i didn't know what it all meant.

"you need to sleep," my mom said quietly. i shook my head, tearing my arms away from her grasp.

"no, i need to remember." i bent down and picked up the book again, "there has to be something in here that can help."

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