Paths Collide

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"Have a great day today, honey." My mom, Rachel yelled as I ran to my 1970s mustang.

Today was the day. The day where I could start over. A day were I could finally act like myself, and not the person I was. She was hopefully long gone, and I would never have to see her again. Yet, at the same time I'm a little nervous. Nervous because this was my first day at West Point High School. I've never been the new kid, ever in my whole life.

One think that I couldn't stopping thinking about was would they judge me? Judge me because of my past? How could I could up my scars? What would they do if they saw them? I knew they'd ask questions, and then before I could come up with an answer they'd judge some more. Hell I could handle it if it happened, it'd be nothing new to me.

Ignoring my thoughts, I held my head up high and confident as I walked through the doors at West Point. Even if I was nervous, and believe me I was a little; I didn't show it, or well at least I tried not to.

Boys and surprisingly a couple girls turned their heads as I walked past. I knew that I was looker. Back where I grew up boys cat called me all the time, and always told me, hit on me whatever you wanna say. Then they'd always try to come on to me, almost everyday. Let's just say there were limited nice guys at my old school.

"Hey baby!" Here I go again, I thought as I turned and faced him. It was a guy with sandy blond hair and green eyes. He was tall and muscular and under different circumstances I would've thought that he was attractive, but now he was just another jerk, player. Just like the rest of them. "How you doing?" He asked looking me up and down, smiling like he was sure that I was the type of girl that he could have a one night stand with or something.

"You wish." I rolled my eyes and turned on my heels and kept walking down the hall to my locker.

"That's Chris." I looked over to see a short brunette with dark green almost emerald eyes. Her face was covered in freckles, and was wearing jeans, converse and a white button down shirt. "He thinks that he's a bad ass, but in all reality he's just a weirdo. Not at all anything to worry about."

"That's good to know." I said a little reliefed. I put my notebook in my locker and looked at her. "I can't stand guys like that."

"Me too, they are the worst. Oh I'm sorry, I'm being rude. My name is Sarah." She said, being rude. If anyone was being rude it was me.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Jo."

"Nice to meet you too. So you're new here right? I haven't seen you around or anything."

"Yeah. Today's my first day."

"That's cool. What's your first class?" I reached into my back pocket and pulled out my schudule, and unfolded it.

"English with Ms. Castle."

"Sweet me too. I'll walk you there."

"Thanks."" I smiled at her and we started walking.

"So what brings you to Rock Springs?"

"My mom got a new job, and we just wanted to get away."

"From what?"

"Oh nothing."

"Okay. Let me guess it's something that you'll tell one of your closer friends?" I nodded and she went on. "That makes sense. I don't blame you."

"So what about you?" I asked, changing the subject.

"Me? I'm born and raised here."

"That's cool. So you like it?"

"Yeah. Love it. It's all I really know, but I just love it. You could say that I like the country, small towns. If you can even call this town that."

"Well smaller than we're I grew up." By now we were walking into the English class.

"Hey guys," Sarah said to three girls sitting in desks.

"Sarah!" They exclaimed.

"Girls, this is Jo and she's new here. It's her first day. Jo meet Nikki." She gestured to a blond with blue eyes who was dressed like a model. "Jackie." She was a red head with green eyes. She wore a T- shirt and jeans. "And Jenny." A brunette with green eyes, dressed in cowgirl clothes.

"How's your first day so far?" Nikki asked.

"Good so far."

"Oh. My. God. Guy they're here." Jackie said. I glance over my shoulder to the door. A small group of five guys came through the door.

"Who are they?" I asked.

"The one that came in first is Andy. Then Jake, and Colton. The last two were Trent and Reece."

"Reece?" I'll admit I thought that was a hot name.

"Yeah Reece Shaw. You know he's the typical bad boy. Pretty much all the girls are trying to land him." Jenny answered.

"But sadly he doesn't date." Jackie said with the saddest look on her face. "It sucks. I'd totally date him. He's so fine."

"You have a boyfriend." Sarah reminded her.

"I know doesn't mean I can't look." Speaking of looking. I glanced over my shoulder at the group of guys, now seated in the back of the room. A dark haired, dark blue eyed guy was staring directly at me, Reece Shaw. He was probably, no easily one of the best lookin' guy I've seen in a long time. I could see the shape of his arm and chest muscles through his black shirt. The one named Trent, leaned over and said something to him and he smiled. Flashing a dazzling smile. Then he turned back to me and continued to stare at me intensively with his dark blue eyes.

"Whoa. Somebody thinks Jo is attractive." I heard Jenny say.

"What?" I asked turning back to them.

"I've never seen him stare at any girl like that before." She explained.

"Me neither." Nikki agreed. "You're a lucky girl."

"Nah. I'm not looking to start a relationship with anyone."

"Really why?" Sarah asked.

"I just got out of one before I came here."

"Well good luck then." Nikki said.


"Because honey. A good looking girl like you is just fresh meat for some guys at this school."

"Plus he's totally beautiful!" Jenny smiled. I could see some drool on the corner of her mouth.

:Down girl. You have a boyfriend." Jackie said laughing.

Well it's too bad that he doesn't date because by the looks of it. It seems like he'd have about two or three girlfriend. And that was just in English class. The type of guy I wasn't ready to deal with or have anything to do with right now. I dealt with enough of those guys back in, well I guess you could say, back in my old life.

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