Chapter 5

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'Another day, another dawn.'

I got to school on time as usual. Made sure that I was ready to go. Up on time, ate breakfast. I made a mental note to do that when we moved. New life, new habits. But I won't get into details. It's not important.

The day started out normal, except that Reece wasn't in English. Neither was Trent, Jake, Andy or Colton. Probably slept in after the whole HAHA- I BEAT YOU thing, or maybe the kiss wiped him out.   Okay probably not the second one. Well Reece not the other four.

Then lunch came....

Sarah, Nikki, Jackie, Jenny and I were all sitting together at lunch. Talking, laughing. You know the usual girl stuff. Then I looked up to see Reece and his friends walk through the door. Reece caught my eye and gave me one of those cute, adorable, boyish head nods.

"OMG!" Jenny gasped. "Did Reece Shaw just give you the nod?"

"Yeah I guess so. Why?" What was the big deal? If girls freaked out about guys giving them nods they probably would've done it so much that they'd run out of air and die.

"Because! He's so cute! Dangerous, hot, mysterious, and memorizing."

Memorizing? Not that I disagreed or anything. Especially because of the way he stared at me, and helding me making me a little dazed.

"Oh yeah. Just look at how he's surrounded by all those girls. They are difantely under his spell." I glanced over my shoulder at Reece's usual spot. Sure enough there was a smiling Reece, Trent, Colton, Andy and Jake lost in a sea of girls.

"Now he's looking at Jo!" Jackie said excitedly but I could hear the jealousy in her voice. I glanced back at him, and met his dark blue eyes.

'Holy. Shit. Memorizing. Right.'

'Ding, Ding, Ding.'

"Oh there's the bell." Sarah said. "C'mon Jo. Let's go to P.E." We stood up and walked through the halls to our next class.

"What do you think we will be doing today?" I asked her.

"Oh I don't know. I'm sorry about Jackie and Jenny. They are a little jealous I guess you could say. Even though they both have boyfriends. They still have a crush on Reece."

"Alright ladies and gentlemen." Mrs. Sally yelled after the bell rang. She was about twenty years old so she thought being called by her last name made her seem old. "Today we will be starting our dance unit." I looked at Sarah and she had a I-love-this-unit look on her face. Even though she's told me before that she's not a very good dancer. "So who knows how to dance? And by dance I mean ballroom dance, people." I slowly raised my hand. I was the only girl of a class of about fifteen or so girls. Then there was only one guy that raised their hand.

Can you guess?

Yup. The one and only. Hot, badass in the class.

Reece Shaw.

"Perfect!" Mrs. Sally exclaimed. "Reece and Jo you two will be partners."

"Well I'm offically jealous." Sarah said sarcastically.

"Why it's just dancing."

"Well someone obvisously didn't see how happy he was to be dancing with you." Reece happy to dance with me? Nah. He had the usual I-don't give-a-crap face. Had the usual intense stare. Just ot change things up, I smiled and winked at him.

"What? Who do you wanna dance with?"

"Andy." She grinned looking in his direction, biting her lip.

"C'mon." I took her hand and dragged her over to Reece and Andy. It wasn't hard, the girl weighs about ninety pounds. Ok maybe more than that, but you get what I mean. "Andy?" I asked, and he turned around just as surprised to see us as we were to see him. "Would you like to be partners with my dear friend Sarah?"

"Ah... yeah... sure." He glanced at Reece and took Sarah's hand, and led her onto the gym floor. As they walked away I heard him mutter something that sounded like, "I'm not good at this."

Aw. They were so cute.

"They should date." I said turning back to Reece.

"Yeah sure." He grabbed my hand and pulled me in close. Like chest to chest, faces inches away from mine close.

"Salsa!" Mrs. Sally yelled as she pressed play to a mexican song with a beat.

"You know how to salsa, love?" Reece asked.

"Do you?" I grinned at him, challenging a little. He smirked, and led us in the basic steps of the dance. Testing my ability.

Step, together, step back.

Step, together, step back.

Step, together, step back.

That's putting it in Mrs. Sally's words.

"Not bad, love." Reece smiled. Then he quickened the steps. I shook my hips, and he dipped me, and spun me to the beat of the music.

"Wow! Very good you two!" Mrs. Sally exclaimed at the end of class.

"Not bad, love." Reece said.

"Your not so bad yourself." I smiled and went to get my bag, and walked over to Sarah.

"Wow. Thanks Jo!" She said when I reached her. "Andy is amazing! He's so sweet. He's so funny, and wow."

"I know exactly what you mean."


"Reece is so intense and mysterious."

"Wow. Looks like someone is falling for his spell."

She was right. I was. The girl that didn't want a relationship for a long time, was falling for the bad boy of West Point high.

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