Chapter 4

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"Yeah baby!!" Trent yelled getting up from the mud and running over to us. While Reece just stared at me in shock, not exactly sure what happened. "That was amazing! I wouldn't ever do it because I'm not a chick. Damn I like this girl!" He pulled me to my feet, and I guess that Reece suddenly realized what happened because he let his eyes burn into mine with hatred. Slowly he got to his feet.

"Yeah! That's what I'm talking about!" Jake threw me over his shoulder. "I like this girl too! Wow!" he set me down, with a huge smile on his face.

"That was the weirdest way I've ever seen anyone get a touchdown." Colton said. "But it worked I guess. Next time I'm on her team!" He smiled not as big as Jake or Trent's but still smiled.

I seriously thought that Jake and Trent were going to start doing some kind of happy dance. Just like what girls do when they are extremely happy about something. They literally had the exact same look on their faces.

"You kissed me!" Reece exclaimed like he finally registered what happend.

"Yeah so what! She scored a touchdown and we won!" Jake yelled jumping up and down just like a little kid would on Christmas morning.

"I know that was awesome huh!" Jake yelled. "Finally the great Reece has been destoried!"

"Will you guys shut up?" Reece snapped.

"C'mon man! Don't be a sore loser!" Trent laughed.

"I said shut up!"

"What? You mad that we beat you?" I asked grinning.

I walked over to Trent and Jake who were looking like they just won the lottery or something. A really muddy lottery that is. Nudging Reece playfully in the ribs as I pasted. The next thing I knew. Reece pulled me into his chest. Keeping me there with a strong hand on my back, pressing him into me.

"Not mad." He grinned down at me. "At you anyway." He looked up at Trent and Jake who were still jumping up and down, ignoring Reece.

"Okay then what?" I breathed.

"I'm impressed."

"Impressed?" I asked studying his face, and for the first time I noticed a scar along the left side of his jaw line. It seemed to only make him that more dangerous, and mysterious. Knowing that there must be a story behind the scar.

'Damn he is so hot.'

A smirk pulled at his lips, almost like he heard everything I thought.

"I think I just heard your mom." He said still staring at me, not letting me go. I broke his glaze and looked over at the direction of my house. The lights were on, and I could almost hear her rushing around in the kitchen.

"I got to go." I said pulling away from him a little dazed. "See you guys later." I turned on my heels and walked quickly to his backyard, and grabbed my shirt on the way. Trying to ignore the fact that I could still feel his eyes watching me as I left. Wow. He doesn't date. But he acted like he wanted to. Maybe I could change that.

"Hey Ma!" I yelled when I walked through the front door.

"Hey honey! How was your day at school?" I followed her voice into the kitchen. She had boxes stacked on the counter, so she could put them away in her special order.

"Good," I said sitting down.

"That's good. Who were those boys? The question took me by surprise. It didn't even cross my mind that she saw us.

"You saw that?" I asked.

"Oh yeah." She gestured towards the window. I glanced out and saw the boys still in the field where we had played football. My mom had a clear view of everything that happened. Crap. "That one boy with the dark hair seemed to take a liking to you. Especially when you're covered in mud." She turned and winked at me.

"Who Reece?" Great. First my friends and now my mom. 'Especially in mud.' Argh!!!

"Was that his name?" She smiled at me. "Oh and you're brother called." That was my mom for you. One minute totally fixed on boys and then it's like her mind switch's back to the thing she was thinking about before.

"Yeah and?" My brother, Jason. He's been in the Navy for about two years now. We were close, but didn't talk as much as we used to. He was a little to busy with the Navy and there were at lot of times where he couldn't. Over the past two years, I've only seen him around the Holidays and only heard from him every six months or so.

"He has enough time saved up for two weeks of leave, and he will be here in exactly two weeks. Funny huh?"

OMG!! Jason would be here in two weeks!!!

~Reece's POV~

"What was that?"  Trent asked as I watched Jo walk through the field and disappear through my gate. The muscles in her back flexing as she walked, and her legs streching out into long strides.

"What was what?" I asked innocently.

"You and Jo!"

"I don't know what you were talking about." I turned and went back inside my house, with the guys right on my heels.  She was a pretty damn good kisser, and she was really in shape, and had the nicest -

"OH B.S!" Jake yelled as he came through my back door.

"You held her like a fat kid holds cake." Colton inferred.

Did not!" I sneered turning to face them. Letting my eyes glare at them.

"You're in denial!" Andy said. Wow. Did I feel ganged up on or what.

"Jo is a girl in my english and P.E classes. Nothing more!"

'Expect for the fact that she was a really hot 'girl in my English and P.E classes.

And she was different! Not the type of girly girl I see everyday at school. She wasn't afraid to get down and dirty. Which she proved today. She got really muddy. Mud was even in her hair. She didn't seem to give a crap about that. Just cared that Trent and  Jake were having a good time with their win. I could see it in her eyes.

"Wow Reece wait a second. That sounds really girly. What would the guys do if they heard you saw that?'

"Look now lover boy is day dreaming!" Trent teased.


"I ain't no lover boy!" I snarled, which only made them laugh harder.

"Yes you are! Tell me that you weren't thinking about her right now!"

'No because I'd by lying.'

"Shut up."

"Or what?" With that I tackled him to the ground and we started a hard core wrestling match. I won.

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