Chapter 1 - In the beginning

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On that day, the sun shone brightly in the light blue sky. Oak trees stood tall and gently swayed in the calm breeze. The air was fresh and clean, which was a nice change of pace for the three figures who soared across the plain.

One was a man in a chicken onesie, something resembling a chest plate tied around his chest. Attached to the back were glorious rainbow wings which were easily detachable from the armour. His dark brown hair was longer than the average males, brushing half way down his neck. Small traces of a beard were scratched onto his lower face. One of his most noticeable features of his appearance was the grey bandanna tied around his eyes. No one ever questioned how he was able to see, yet now they wish they did.

Close behind him was a semi-light blond haired man with cloudy blue eyes. Balancing on his head was a red cap. Matching it was a black shirt and red sleeveless jacket on top. His shorts were dark grey and he wore red and white shoes. Similarly to the Chicken man, he wore a strung up chest plate with grand rainbow wings on its back.

The last person was of a bright rainbow colour. His shoulder length hair was tied into a small ponytail and coloured completely rainbow. Just like his hair, his shirt was also very colourful. Lastly, he wore dark blue jeans with red shoes. Unlike the other two, he had no large wings stuck on the back of a chest plate. He didn't need it as he could naturally fly. He was a Steve, after all.

The air was filled with a sense of victory after their long and horrific battle with Infinity Steve, two Steves formed into one. Each and every one of them were exhausted and just wanted to get back to the Rainbow town: their safe haven.

It wasn't that save, but it gave a continuous sense of security and homeliness. Any Steve could come by and rest, as long as they didn't attack and destroy the place. That happened more than anyone would have liked to admit.

At this point, they dipped into the tree line incase they were spotted by any evil Steve's lurking. That's when Sabre, the chicken man, noticed something odd.

"Hey, guys, hold up. I see something" he called. They dived down to the floor and hid behind a large tree. That should keep them from view.

Sure enough, Sabre was right.

Not too far in front of them, they saw a left over machine when they tried to power up Rainbow Steve with rainbow stone. A block of it was still in the floor.

Stood beside it were 3 figures. One of which was easily recognisable as Plague Steve. His teal and green spotted skin made him obvious.

The other two they had never seen before. One looked very similar to Rainbow Steve. Only one half of his body was completely black with a white herobrine-like eye.

The other wore sunglasses and a shark onesie. His hair was short and brown, similar to Sabre's. There was an unnatural aura surrounding them and Sabre, Lucas and Rainbow Steve didn't know how to feel about it. They both, though having never been seen before, felt very familiar.

What seemed off was that Plague seemed terrified of them. Hands shaking, keeping a distance at each small advance that the Shark onesie man makes. They both seem to be saying things to Plague and it made Sabre anxious.

"I'll get closer to see what they're saying. You guys stay here and keep out of trouble." Sabre whispered to the others. They nodded and he slowly and carefully edged closer, keeping his safety behind the trees.

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