Chapter 3 - Back in reality

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Sabre awoke with a jump, scaring the living daylights out of Plague Steve.

"What..what happened?" Sabre groaned, adjusting himself to the bright sunlight. Being inside your own head makes the real work feel wrong. Almost like it isn't actually the 'real world' at all. Like fiction.

"Why don't you look for yourself." He responded, gesturing to Sabre's left. He turned his head and suddenly, everything clicked.

"Dark Steve! That's what happened!" Sabre snapped almost cheerfully. A glass dome, covered in bubbling lava stood in place of the machine and two strangers which Sabre barely remembered existed.

"You should probably let them out, who knows who they are!" Plague remarked, pulling Sabre off of the floor.

"Eh, too tired. Speaking of tired..." Sabre paused for a second, raising his hand, signalling for plague to stop speaking. After a couple of seconds, he confirmed in his head that the world was spinning around him, and that any second now he would possibly pass out once again.

"There we goo.." He slurred as he fell flat onto his face. Plague tried to catch him as he fell, though failed as Sabre's head hit the grass, which muffled the bang of him collapsing.

"You guys can come out now! He should be out for a while." Plague shouted to the trees where Lucas and Rainbow hid.

"Is he okay? What even happened?!" Rainbow questioned frantically, sprinting over to Plague and the unconscious Sabre beside him.

"Yeah, also, you seem oddly chill about this, do you know something we don't?" Lucas asked, joining them.

"I'd rather explain it somewhere a little less... open. Don't know who, or WHAT, could he lurking in the forest." Plague said, waving his hands a bit as he spoke.

"Ooh! We could take him to the rainbow town! We were just heading there. Lucas, you can carry Sabre!" Rainbow enthusiastically suggested, yet it was obvious that he was genuinely concerned and worried about his friend.

"Why do I have to do it?" Lucas said in a frustrated tone.

"Because....becauseeee..." Rainbow began, not being able to finish his thought.

"Fine. Just know if I pass out, Sabre carries me."


Just like that, the three began heading their way back to the Rainbow town, completely ignoring the pounding and shouting coming from the glass and lava prison.

"Hey! You gonna let us out of here?!" Shark screeched at the top of his lungs, hoping for some form of response.

"It is of no use, I can feel that they have already gone," Boss responded calmly, sitting himself on the floor, "it will most likely disappear in a few minutes anyways. I know for a fact that it is not completely Steve, so the chances of it being able to keep this up whilst being unconscious is very slim."

"So what do we even KNOW about this universe? We know Steves exist here, that's obvious." Shark stated, rubbing his throat from all the screaming he'd done.

"We also know that there is evil in this realm. I can feel it." Boss Steve mentioned, leaning his back against the glass.

"Not too different from where we came from, huh?" He remarked, chuckling slightly, walking over to Boss and sitting himself beside him, attempting to put his back on the glass.

"Ah, that's hot! How can you sit like that?!" He pulled himself off of the glass, flinching. Instead, he shuffled away from it and infront of Boss Steve instead.

"Pfft, weakling," Boss mocked, "bow before me, peasant!"

"Haha, very funny.." "Please don't kill me, I'll bow"

Shark laughed and Boss smiled slightly. If they would he stuck for a while, the least they could do would be to entertain themselves.

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