Chapter 5 - Planning

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"Okay, all done!" Lucas's voice rang out, causing Light and Rainbow to pause their conversation. They looked over to him, seeing him stood up, hands on his hips in pride.

"Oh, you actually did it..?" Rainbow stated, in shock that he did something actually useful.

"What's that supposed to mean?!" He quipped, clearly insulted.
Plague sighed and looked at Sabre, who was lying on the floor completely motionless.

"We should probably get him into that machine, I'm unsure of how long we have. We also can't forget about the fact that those strangers are possibly on their way." Plague suggested, gesturing to the unconscious chicken man.

"W-wait, strangers? You never mentioned that!" Light remarked, slightly frustrated yet intrigued at who they were exactly.

"Oh yeah, there was this shark guy and another guy that looked like Rainbow but evil. Never seen them before, they're definitely not from around here. That's what triggered Sabre to use those powers" Lucas responded, picking Sabre up and dragging him to the machine.

"Woah... I-I suppose we should stay alert, can't leave Sabre on his own." Light looked over to Lucas.

"I'll stay up and watch over him. You guys can rest. Plus, if the machine fails SOMEONE has to fix it, and I don't think we've taught you yet." Lucas sighed, hooking Sabre up to the machine. He looked to the sky and noticed that the sun was setting, almost having disappeared over the skyline. Most of the sky was now of a dark blue colour, small white dots lightening the area.

"It's almost night, you should go in. I can handle this, I'm a big boy." He joked, causing a few giggles from the Steves surrounding him.

"Alright, just make sure nothing happens!" Rainbow said before leading Plague and Light towards the big house.

Lucas sat back onto the grass next to the machine. He knew that everyone else was just as confused and nervous as him, but there was something else there. Sabre had planted a seed of distrust within him. How could he trust him? He didn't know what Sabre had done, but he didn't tell anybody. He kept this a secret from his friends, hell, his family.

"Damn you Sabre.." Lucas muttered under his breath, glancing at the unconscious man. They had been best friends for so long, surely he could trust him with such a secret?

"No.. there has to be a logical explanation..." He whispered to no body. Thinking about it, it was oddly quiet. Too quiet. Like the calm before a storm. Though, Lucas was ripped from his thoughts when he received a painful blow to his head, causing him to pass out.

"We've got to be quick. Somebody could notice us." Somebody spoke with a deep and ominous voice. Their attempt at a hushed voice wasn't exactly all that great. They looked over to their henchman, who was crouching over the limb body of a blonde haired man.

"Yup, he's out. I'll start on retrieving Sabre, sir." The henchman responded, hastily getting off of the floor and approaching the machine.

"You'd better hurry up. You're very easily replaceable, you know." This sent shivers down their spine. Every henchman was expendable. They'd seen it before. Dissatisfy the king and you'll be executed within minutes. This only forced them to work faster, unwiring the machine hastily yet carefully. As soon as he had finished, the dominant creature grabbed the blindfolded man and held him in his arms (not in an affectionate type way, I know the sentence was worded incredibly poorly).

"Finally. We will be able to take back what is ours. Or, rather, WHO is ours." The figure laughed maniacally, the henchman just standing behind him.

The two began began to fly out of the colourful and vibrant town, leaving almost no trace of them ever having been there. Their plan was succeeding. Soon, Dark Steve would return.

"Theoretically, it should not be much further." Boss Steve announced, looking behind him to see a very exhausted Shark. They had been walking for what felt like hours.

"" He begged between breaths, crouching down with his hands on his knees. He could have collapsed at any moment.

"I am afraid that we have to keep going. We need answers!"


"No no no, YOU need rest."

"..." At this point, Shark was too tired to even speak. Words couldn't form in his brain nor his mouth, so they just kept walking. Not even 5 minutes later, a wall of many colours emerged over the horizon and past the trees.

"Salvation!" Shark gasped, somehow increasing his pace to get there as fast as possible. The boss remained emotionless and began to float to the wall, much faster than Shark could hope to achieve with his limping speed walk. He then shot Boss Steve a look of betrayal.

" could have.....flown us..." he stated when he reached the wall, leaning against it to catch his breath. In response, Boss Steve just shrugged and muttered a 'maybe'.

"You can rest for a few hours, I do not mind keeping watch whilst you sleep." Boss sat down against the wall as Shark collapsed onto his back.

"Good....idea..." Almost instantly, Shark fell asleep, ignoring any and all distractions.

Boss Steve sighed. This night would be a long one.

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