Chapter 4 - Home.

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A few minutes after what had happened, the group of 4 flew across the sky, which was slowly turning orange and crimson as the sun set calmly.

Over the horizon, they could see a shining rainbow coloured wall which stood tall despite it's history. It carried a welcoming aura to those who entered or at least passed.

As they approached, a giant towering tree faded into view. A beautiful and gorgeous display of colours, radiating life and energy and practically glowing. An amazing sight, to those who are new and those who lived there.

"The feeling never gets old, does it?" Rainbow smiled and looked over to Plague.

"It's so magical. It's almost like this place isn't meant to exist!" Plague replied cheerfully, the fear of the strangers having dissipated.

"Wait... we're almost there? I can't tell, I'm concentrating on not falling because DAMN WHY IS SABRE SO HEAVY?!" Lucas gasped, clearly struggling with keeping Sabre up.

"I think you're just weak..!" Rainbow teased, giggling to himself, much to Lucas's frustration.

Within seconds, they arrived at the town, covered in lights and rainbows which stood out against the almost dark sky. A river passed through, reflecting more light into the warm and cosy atmosphere. Near the lake stood a cosy two story house, colours built onto the walls. Rainbow, Sabre and Lucas lived there in the comfort of the home. Not too far stood a half finished temple, the construction of which was halted once Infinity Steve became a problem. It followed a similar style to the house, rainbow and stone bricks used everywhere. Only, it stood much taller and had a great stained glass window, representing the majestic rainbow tree of life.

"Chills, literal chills." Plague muttered, gently landing on the floor, followed by Rainbow. Lucas hastily landed, stumbling slightly and dropping Sabre on the ground.

The noise of their arrival caused someone to peek out of the door of the house. A white haired man with a similar shade for his eyes and pale skin. He wore a white robe which was tied around his neck, covering his body. Underneath he wore a light grey shirt and shorts.

"H-Hey, you're back!" Light called, running out to them. Rainbow waved to him, and plague smiled. He looked down at Sabre, who was still alive passed out on the floor, and jerked back slightly.

"What happened? I-Is sabre okay?" He questioned, panic and concern evident in his voice.

"We don't know, but he was able to use some form of evil powers similar to Dark Steve's. I suggest we put him in a machine or something like that." Plague suggested, glancing to Lucas who nodded in agreement.

"But can't we just...put him in bed or something?" Rainbow nervously said, worried for Sabre.

"Do you want him to destroy us all? I think it's best we put him in a machine so he can't do anything."

" have a point..."

Everyone had stopped speaking, not knowing what to say next. Plague picked up Sabre from the luscious and green grass and began walking towards a flat and open area with a machine, recently used to stabilise Rainbow Steve.

"I think I could rewire this machine to hold him better. He's a player, and plus, we don't need to feed him Rainbow Stone." Lucas pointed out, taking out an enderchest and beginning his work.

At that time, Shark and Boss Steve were still inside the glass prison they were trapped in.

"If I kick it hard enough, it will break." Shark stated, repeatedly kicking the glass, which left no scratches or dents.

"You're going to break your foot if you continue." Boss remarked, still leaning against the wall and staring straight forwards, almost like he was concentrating on something.

"But it's been, how long, a few hours?"

"20 minutes."

"'re joking!"

Boss sighed, "incase you have forgotten, I simply do not have the ability to 'joke' in this way."

"Just stop. We have to get out of her-"

Mid-kick, the jail magically disappeared, causing Shark to fall forwards onto the floor.

"Fresh air!! I love you, sky!" He gasped, grasping at the grass desperately. Miraculously, Boss was still sat exactly like he had been before, unaffected by the removal.

"Hey, are you....are you... concentrating??" Shark enthusiastically asked, shuffling to Boss's side.

"I am, yes. I'm trying to determine which direction those strangers went. They have information and we need answers. Even if we get them by force." He bluntly replied, almost as if Shark was meant to know exactly what he was doing.

"Ah, yes, okay, you do you, yup, mhm, I can wait, I have time." Shark huffed and sat back, looking to where Boss was blankly staring. Waiting.

"They went that way." Boss pointed to the side Shark was on, hitting him square in the face in the process.

"Owww! Watch where your putting your....your arm!" Shark put his hands on his face protectively, looking off to where Boss pointed.

"Get over it. We must go."

"Alright, sure, let's goo.."

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