Chapter 2 - Sabre's mind

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Both Sabre and the voice stayed silent for a little, before he spoke.

"You know what? You're weak right now anyways. It wouldn't hurt to take control and have a little.... fun~" he taunted, and Sabre could almost hear him smirk. He would have thrown his arms up in frustration, screamed, shouted, complained. Yet he was right.

All Sabre wanted was rest, he was way too shattered to object. There was a strange tingling sensation before he felt the entity's presence leave the area.

Back to being alone. He pondered.

Whilst waiting, he closed his eyes. Once he opened them again, a world formed around him. It was small, sure, but it made him feel at home.

He was placed in a small room, walls made of spruce wood. The floor was covered in a dark green carpet, a bed resting on top in the corner. A window was carefully placed beside it, though slightly higher than the bed itself. Outside the window was a white void. His mind hadn't created that part yet, it was busy with the room. On the opposite side of the place was a few shelves and a table. Nothing much.

The more he concentrated, the more details became apparent. A slanted set of pictures on the wall of people he didn't recognise. Some purple galaxy/type guy. A ginger haired woman with a green shirt and emerald green eyes. A hooded figure with great, white wings. Perhaps they were glimpses of a near future. Or a distant past. He couldn't quite recall.

For a small amount of time, he could feel comfortable. Safe. He could be himself without the feeling of being watched by him.

"Hey.." a voice sounded from behind Sabre. He looked around and stepped back.

"Don't worry, I cannot hurt you. I'm only a made up entity created by your consciousness." It spoke. It looked so much like himself.

The bandanna was still there, same with the facial features. His clothes, however, were different. On his body was a green jacket with white sleeves, two green stripes at the ends. His jeans were dark grey, a similar shade on his shoes.

"I know you.." Sabre slowly processed, "you'"

"In a sense, yes. You were lonely, so your brain made you someone you can talk to. A face you want to see."

Sabre snorted a little, "a little egotistical, huh?"

"Maybe you wanted to see an older face. Before all of this. Before everything. Maybe you wanted to talk to someone who doesn't know what is to come" The other Sabre continued in a monotone voice.

"That makes sense. Are you always gonna be here?" Sabre questioned, sitting himself down on the bed beside him.

"Possibly. Maybe I'll come in another form. It comes down to what you deeply what to see. Who you want to see."

"Alrighty... do you have any idea when he'll be done?"

"I cannot answer that question, for you will find out yourself shortly." Hastily, it sat itself next to Sabre.

"Oh, so I'm going now is what you're saying"

"Yes. But that is ok-" it began. However, it was too late. The world around Sabre began to fade away. Back into the pitch black darkness. No comforting walls. No bed. No other him. Just back to the cold, miserable void.

"I'm baaaack~ enjoy dealing with this one. It was difficult to remain completely in control. You must have really done a number on yourself since fighting Infinity Steve."

"Just stop talking to me. I have a world to get back to." Sabre snapped, wanting to speed things up.

"Oooooh someone's salty!"

And just like that, Sabre felt his soul being dragged back into the real world.

What have you done now.. he wondered.

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