Part I: Contract Chapter 1: The Mines

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The aggravating light, as always, oppressed the land.

Kinos held his squinted eyes on the dirt as he shuffled forward in line. Another minute and he'd reach a wooden hut at the foot of the mountain next to the Laritum Mines entrance. There, he'd get his assignment and blessedly spend hours away from this light.

A piece of leftover scrap metal reflected a sharp gleam into Kinos' eyes. He flinched and shoved his hands into his work tunic's outer pockets so no one saw his clenched fists. Even staring as far away as possible, the great Light Lord gave him a headache. Nothing on the surface would give him respite; not the trees of the nearby forest, nor those on the mountain range that loomed before him. All that was left were the mines.

"Never happy out here, are ya?" the mine foreman, Polupos, said.

Looked like Kinos had reached the foreman's hut faster than he'd thought. Polupos stood at an open window, beckoning Kinos closer. While the workers toiled all day in the mines, Polupos read over contracts and reports. Lord, what a boring life.

"Almost sacrilege, to frown at the great Lord of Light's blessing," Polupos said.

"I like to actually see things," Kinos said, then smirked. "Unless it's your face."

Polupos barked a laugh. "Don't make me call the guard on you, boy."

"And rid the world of this?" Kinos gestured to his face while giving his sweetest smile. "That would be sacrilege."

"What would Aula think about this?"

"She'd agree. Killing this would be a sin."

"I meant about flirting with..." Polupos shook his head, then unraveled a scroll. "I'm not doing this again. Here's your assignment."

"Section K, Part Three?" Kinos eyed the spot where Polupos pointed, frowning.

"That a problem?"

"No, except I shouldn't be there."

"That so?" Polupos sounded annoyed, but a little intrigued. "You got that gut feeling?"

Kinos nodded. "Here."

"Section M? You know we closed that off because of the speldets."

"And you know I can handle them."

"This ain't the forest, boy."

Kinos leaned forward, giving Polupos a little smirk.

"They're the size of three men, have six legs, and scythes for arms."

Kinos gave him a few rapid blinks.

Polupos sighed, scratching his beard. "How big you reckon the haul will be?"

"Massive," Kinos said, tapping his chest. "Same as last Duomen, maybe bigger."

"Bigger, eh? You think you'll find some red down there?"

"Not even I'm that stupid to look for a legend. Nah, this'll just be a whole lot of green. Come on, boss. When have I led you wrong?"

Polupos frowned, clearly contemplating it. On the one hand, Kinos had always been right with his urges. Polupos' company had seen an upscale in profit since Kinos joined a year ago. On the other hand, Kinos was one of Polupos' best miners – would he risk sending Kinos into danger for a chance at gargantuan riches?

Polupos sighed, but there was a hunger in his eyes. Evidently, he would.

"A profit like that would be very beneficial, especially with Governor Callius' approaching visit," Polupos said, writing a note on a torn piece of parchment.

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