Part I: Contract Chapter 3: Undesirable

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Kinos squinted as he dragged the last cart from the blessed dimness of the mine. Nearby Polupos' hut stood dozens of carts, filled to the brim with glowing green mageia. Kinos' friends and crew were talking to the squat foreman, who practically bounced from cart to cart, beaming almost as bright as the ore. The line of people waiting for assignments at the start of their shift stood still, all production halted so Polupos could inspect Kinos' crew's haul.

That's right, be jealous. Kinos pointedly avoided eye-contact with the miners along the mountain pass, soaking in their murmurs and whispers. I'm the best miner in years, and you all know it.

Though the work had been bountiful, Kinos' friends were now exhausted. Hyped on adrenaline and the red mageia, Kinos had worked a double shift. His friends – bless them – were loyal to a fault. Every one of them joined in that double. But after thirteen hours of grueling work, the effects were weighing on their bodies.

Xulosus and Liana were not strong, and even though they spent most of their time going to and from the mining centers beneath the mountain to get more equipment, help bring up mageia, and get the time so everyone could know when to take appropriate breaks, they both had bagged eyes and drooped shoulders. Nilipe and Rios had spent half their time mining and the other half dragging carts full of mageia to the main center. Rios was hunched over, head facing the ground, while even Nilipe leaned against a cart, staring blankly at the sky's eternal blanket of light. True to his word, Rostacos had spent the whole time in the cavern, mining with Kinos. Unlike Kinos, he didn't have a mythical item that renewed his strength at every touch. So he sat with his back against a cart, head hanging down, breathing deeply.

Sure, Kinos could have shared the red mageia, but then his whole crew would have known about it. He loved them, but at least one of them – most like Xulosus – would have informed Polupos of it. Sure, they'd receive the greatest riches they'd ever seen, but that would have been a one-time event. With the red mageia, Kinos could work so much faster and more efficiently. In the long run, they'd get more rewards, wealth, and prestige in the company.

Besides, Kinos placed the last cart with the others, which filled most of the clearing by the hut, we're financially well-off for a long time because of this.

It would take about two more full days to extract the rest of the mageia. Even with all the destroyed mageia from the speldet attack, this would be the largest haul in the history of the mine's operations. Despite that, this little red mageia was even more valuable. Why waste such a fruitful find when they were already at a high? Better to wait for a dry spell, when the mines were providing no mageia and thus hurting company profits, for Kinos to bring out the red mageia. He would pretend he found it when the time called for it and set the company back on track.

No matter how he looked at it, it was a win-win.

"Incredible," Polupos said, jittering. "Simply incredible."

"Told you I wouldn't lead you wrong," Kinos said.

"Can I expect another double two shifts from now?"

"Yes and no. I'll do a double, but after this shift."

Polupos blinked. "Is that enough time to rest after all this?"

"Nah, just figured I'd run myself ragged and die in my prime." Kinos smirked, flexing his arms. "Don't wanna wither away like you, boss."

"For all the miracles you do, you'd think your physique would be a little more impressive," Xulosus said, stepping up to Kinos' side.

"Your words cut deep, Xul," Kinos said, lowering his arms. "You always know how to pierce my heart."

"It's easy. Not much muscle on your chest to block away the pick, either."

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