Part 1: Gracelyn

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"Hey guys, my daughter is coming tomorrow so everyone be on your best behavior." Tony said as he walked into the meeting room.

"You have a daughter?" Wanda asked. Stark nodded and looked Wanda up and down.

"Yes, she's 25, so your age. You'll love her." Natasha commented. Wanda gave her a soft smile.

"Is she hot?" Pietro then asked. Everyone turned to him and Tony rolled his eyes.

"Yes." Thor said before Tony could speak. Natasha had a smirk on her face while Tony just looked at Thor angrily.

"She's off limits and she's bringing the kid." The twins watched as everyone's faces lit up confused.

"She has a child?" Tony nodded.

"Yup, cutest kid you'd ever meet. Bright red hair and blue eyes. And she's super sweet, I mean of course everyone loves her, she's a Stark." Everyone sighed at Tony's last comment. "Whatever, so she'll be coming tomorrow and she's gonna be staying a while."

"Why?" Natasha asked him. A wide grin formed on Tony's face before he spoke again.

"Well first of all she missed me and secondly she's saving up to buy a house so she's not living in her apartment anymore." Natasha smiled as she walked out of the room. Natasha and Tony's daughter had always been best friends since they met, despite Nat being a few years older.  She was the first one told about the pregnancy, just not who. Nobody knows who the father was.

"She's here!" Natasha shouted happily as they heard the doors open. All of the avengers quickly ran down to the first floor. "Cassy!" Natasha shouted before quickly engulfing the girl in a hug.

"Nat!" Cassidy returned. All eyes were then on the little girl who stepped out from behind Cassidy. Tony was right, her hair was bright red and she had piercing blue eyes in comparison to her mother's brown ones.

Once Cassidy was done hugging Tony and Natasha she turned around to face the rest of the group, but froze. Everyone stared at her in confusion.

The twins stood opposite Cassidy and stared at her and then the child. "Cassidy?" Wanda asked. The girl looked at Wanda and then Pietro with shock written on her face.

"You know my daughter?" Tony asked now stepping in between them.

"We knew her many years ago as Cassidy Greggs." Everyone watched as Cassidy reached out for her daughter and stood in front of her.

"Mommy, who are they?" The little girl asked. Cassidy leaned down to face her daughter and forced a smile.

"They old friends." She paused for a moment. "How about you go upstairs to your room. I'm sure grandpa got it nice and ready for you." The child had a bright smile on her face as she ran over to the elevation.

"Cassy?" Pietro walked closer to the door.

"Get away from me!" She shouted. Everyone looked at Pietro and Tony quickly pushed the boy away from his daughter.

"Can anybody explain what the heck is happening?" Tony cried out dramatically. Everyone ignored him as they payed attention to Cassidy and Pietro.

"Your daughter..." Cassidy had tears in her eyes. "Is she..."

"Yes." Pietro's and Wanda's eyes went wide and then suddenly Natasha gasped in realization.

"That's my daughter."

"No! She is not your daughter, she is mine. You left!" The girl screamed. Pietro stepped away from her and both Tony and Natasha glared at him, soon followed by the others.

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