Part 14: Enough

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A/N: Hey guys. I'm so happy with all of the reads and stuff this book is getting. It's awesome. I'm sorry to say, but this book is probably going to be a little bit shorter than my normal books, but I'm not sure yet. Anyways I have good news. I'm writing another Pietro book, yup you read that right. Yay. So I need name suggestions please...please. Anyways I hope you enjoy this chapter.

"Ok Cassy, is it ready yet?" Tony asked as he sat patiently. Cassidy made it very clear she was going to be the one to make the invention and Tony was not aloud to help.

"Yeah, this looks pretty good right. Maybe we should have it shoot a laser or something so they think it works though, right?" Tony sighed and took the invention out of his daughters hand.

"Stop stressing and let's go save your daughter." Cassidy let out a deep breath and let go of the invention.

"Yeah, I'll meet you on the plane I just have to get something really quickly." She told him. Tony looked at her for a second like he knew she was lying, but left anyways. Cassidy quickly ran into the basement and searched through the boxes until she found the original. It was a black square with green etching on the side. She quickly pressed a button that made it shrink in size and stuck it in her pocket:

Cassidy's phone began to ring and she saw that it was another number she'd never seen before. She took a deep breath and hesitantly answering.


"I just wanted to remind you that your times almost up."

"I...I know. I have it and I'm coming I promise, just...just tell me that my daughters alright." Cassidy could practice see the women smirk from the other side of the phone.

"She can tell you herself." Cassidy's eyes shot up as she waited to hear Gracelyn's voice.

"Hi mommy."

"Oh my god, hi Gracelyn. Are you ok?" Cassidy said in a panicked voice.

"Yeah, you friend is playing with me." Cassidy didn't know how to stop herself from crying so she took a deep breath and tried to force a smile as she talked. Tears filling her eyes.

"That's...that's great honey. I'm gonna be there soon so just be careful."

"Ok mommy."

"Hey Gracie, can you tell me where you are?"

"Uhm, I'm at Vic's house or something. It's big and dark and..."

"Gracie, how long did it take to get there and we're you in a plane or car?" There was a long pause before the girl answered.

"Uhm, we took a car and it said 400 on the clock thingy and then it said 500 when we got there." Cassidy smiled and nodded.

"Ok, Gracie I'm going to be there soon." There was a static on the other side of the phone and the women quickly spoke again.

"Get here fast." She said before hanging up the phone. A message from that number then showed up on the phone. Cassidy stared at it for a while before she quickly ran to the jet and everyone stared at her as she stood there out of breath.

"She...she's still in New York. Only an hour away from that park." The girl told them all. Tony smiled slightly. "Gracelyn said it was big and dark so maybe like a storage garage or something."

"Yeah, let's go I guess." Tony said.

Cassidy was sitting in her seat her hands shaking rapidly as she mumbled things to herself.

"Hey, are you ok. You know we are going to find her right?" Cassidy nodded, but Pietro could tell she didn't believe it. "I promise you, I will do anything to get her back. It's my fault-"

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