Part 3: I don't do superpowers

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A/N: Oh My Gosh!!! Did you all see the new marvel trailer today. I'm crying. I am so excited. What are you most excited for. I am so excited for all of them, but I definitely can not wait for Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness. Anyways just thought I should share. I hope you enjoy this chapter.

"Hey kiddo, where've you been?" Tony said as Cassidy walked into the hotel room. He looked at her face, stained with tears and dried mascara. He soon got up and ran over to his daughter. Cassidy fell into his arms crying. "What wrong? What happened?"

"Dad, can...can we please go home. I'm sick of this place." She said. Tony looked at her confused.

"But you love it here. Every time I even mention leaving you tell me how much you want to stay." Cassidy's dark brown eyes met her fathers identical ones, tears spilling over onto her bright red face.

"Please, I just want to go home." Tony nodded, his arms still wrapped tightly around his daughter.

"Hey Cassy, tell me what happened and I'll fix it." She shook her head, her long bright red hair covering her sorrow filled face.

"You can't fix this." She said.

"I can try if you tell me what happened." Cassy looked up at her father and took a deep breath.

"I just want to go home."

"Ok sweetie, we'll leave tomorrow."

"Cassidy, hey you texted that you wanted to talk. Are you ok, how was Sokovia, I haven't seen you in forever." Natasha said as Cassidy walked into Stark tower. She continued off to her room, Natasha following after her.

"I know that we haven't been friends that long, I mean we only met like a few months before I left and we've been texting and everything, but I really need someone to talk to." Natasha sat down on Cassidy's bed and gave her a comforting smile.

"We are friends, I missed you and please tell me what's going on. The suspense is killing me." Cassidy took a shaky breath and looked into Natasha's eyes.

"I'm pregnant." Natasha's eyes widened showing how green they truly were and her jaw was practically on the floor.

"What, how, who, when?" All the words stumbled out at once as Cassidy remained silent. Natasha noticed her friends sadness and leaned over to hug her. "Hey, it's ok. Do you wanna talk about it?" Cassidy wiped her eyes and nodded softly.

"I met this guy on one of the first days I was there. He was tall, super bright blue eyes and he called me cute." There was a slight smile playing on Cassidy's lips as she talked about him.

"He sounds great."

"We dated for 6 months before he told me he loved me. That night we slept together and I got pregnant. I was terrified, but he said everything was going to be alright, that we would do it together." Natasha noticed how her friends smile faded and she was on the verge of crying once more.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"I...uhm...I was pregnant for about two months before he left Sokovia, he and his sister. No note, no text messages, no nothing. I went to his apartment everyday for about two weeks and called him everyday and nothing. He left me. Now I'm pregnant without the father and my dad doesn't even know. He didn't even know I was dating him. He thought I was out doing other stupid things with stupid people around the city." Cassidy's head fell into her hands and Natasha rubbed her hand over the girls back.

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