Part 5: Call me Cassy

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"This can't be happening. I'm responsible, I'm a mother, I have moved on." Cassidy repeated to herself as she paced around her room. Pietro stood against the wall watching her not sure if he should be happy that they had kissed and that it was the first time kissing someone felt right in 7 years or if he should feel sad that she doesn't love him anymore. "I bet your getting a kick out of this aren't you?" Cassidy said while marching up to him. Pietro looked down at the girl and gave her a soft smile. "Ugh!"

"No, no, Cassy wait I'm sorry." He said while gripping his hand onto her arm. Cassidy turned back around to face him and sighed.

"It's my turn to apologize. I'm an emotional idiot, I shouldn't have kissed you. It was a stupid mistake." Pietro smirked slightly as he watched her eyes carefully.

"I don't think it was that stupid." Cassidy glared at the boy for a minute before dropping her shoulders with a heavy sigh.

"You are really annoying."

"You love it." Cassidy tensed at the word and Pietro could tell he once again messed up. He dropped her arm which she quickly tapped against her leg.

"Look, I've been going through some really hard stuff lately and I know that's know excuse, but can we please, please just forget about this." Pietro frowned slightly, but nodded anyways. He would do anything if she asked him to.

"So..." Cassidy said as she swung her arms around while Pietro walked next to her awkwardly.

"I'm sorry, I'm usually very good at this." Cassidy looked up at him with raised eyebrows. "That came out wrong."

"No, no keep going. You were talking about how you are really good at bringing random strangers on dates because you do this all the time." The two laughed as they walked down the long streets.

"Ok, I get it." Cassidy smiled at Pietro before interlocking her hand with his. She laughed as Pietro's face turned a light shade of red. "Come on."

"Where are we going?"

"You'll see." The two laughed as Pietro ran through the crowds of people, Cassidy following behind as there hands refused to separate.

"Wow you're fast." Cassidy said as she tried to regain a steady breath. Pietro chuckled as he waited for the girl to see where they were. "An empty beach at 9 pm?"

"Yup, come on it'll be fun." Cassidy was hesitant at first, but she let Pietro lead her into the cold sand. "You are so getting wet by the end of this." He said before twirling her around. After an hour of running around and dancing in the sand Pietro picked Cassidy off the ground and began to run to the water.

"No, no, no!" She shrieked. As they ran into the water Cassidy screamed due to the cold.

"Oh don't be a baby." He said.

"Or what?"

"Oh this." Pietro gripped tighter into Cassidy and pushed them both under the water.

"Pietro!" She shouted once they returned back to the surface.

"Oh well." Pietro helped Cassidy out of the water as she glared at him the whole time. "Ok, I'm sorry Cassidy, but it was fun right?" Cassidy stared at him for a while before finally giving in and showing him a bright smile along with a laugh. "I love your laugh."

"Thanks." She mumbled while trying to ring out her clothes.

"Here." Pietro said as he picked up the jacket he had taken off before running into the water. He carefully wrapped it over Cassidy's shoulders. "Is that better Cassidy." She nodded while a faint shade of pink sprinkled over her cheeks.

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