Too far

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It's a beautiful day outside.

Birds are singing, flowers are blooming. . .

On days like these-

"That's why your mom is burning in hell DEKU!!"

silence, all over the dorm, no one spoke, not a single word was uttered....

Because not so long ago our lil sunshine, cinnamon roll, bunny's mother (inko midoriya) died in a villain attack.

And today bakugou katsuki or as our bunny likes to call him "kacchan" just said that should never leave a person's mouth

"Wh-what... Did-... Did you seriously just said that.... Because i spilt your juice and MIND you  apologized, you said "That's why your mom is burning in hell deku"?..... What the hell is wrong with you?" izuku is looking at babitc- bakugou with a look of disgust, pity, anger, RagE, REd, hoT, fuRy.

"So FUCKING what, you know it's true giving birth to someone as useless as you proves that!!" Bakubitch said with nasty grin splitting his face

Bakubitch turned away to get more juice, while izuku's classmates are still speechless on what left the pomeranian's mouth

Then the next thing everybody heard was a loud


And bakugou's body hitting the floor with blood leaking out of his face.

Everyone was shocked seeing the cinnamon roll just out right PUNCH someone SOO HARD that, that someone just fell over face bleeding, face up, while the victims mouth foaming.

Before the class can say anything izuku ran out...

And didn't came back until 2 weeks time.

No one knew, where he went, nor did they know that he was just crying for 2 weeks in their old apartment, sometimes even screaming, whimpering, convincing himself not to do something stupid just to see his mamadorya again.

: I'M SO SOOOORRRRYYY IZUKU!!!!: Author-kun said dramatically

While the students and teachers back at U.A are discussing what the actual hell happened.

Some questioning why one of the best students that U.A got has been missing for weeks now,
While we see our dadzaw- aizawa... :Cough cough: inside the dorms of 2-A scolding the whole class for letting midoriya leave

"HOW COME NOBODY AND I MEAN NOBODY!!! TRIED TO STOP PROBLEM CHILD!!" aizawa has been scream about his problem child for almost 30 minutes now and no one still answered

"Umm- uhh sense-"

"WHAT!?" Aizawa said that with a lot, and i mean aloooot of venom

The class of 2-A just shivers


....Then the students did something that only just pissed aizawa more, oh ho ho believe you me friend, he's already pissed not having he's problem child with him but oh ho ho

The class decided to spea-SCREAM what they witnessed that particular day.

And safe to say aizawa was Fucken' fuming at bakubitch and almost, almost {fucking almost? Whats with that shit author-kun?} Got expelled.

He was saved by none other than, the rat god himself

"As much as i want to expel young bakugou, we can't have him gone for as simple as that" aizawa was about to retaliate when the principal said "because we can't have the media knowing and the board of members will be angry to lose such a powerful quirk graduating here at U.A"

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