Students performances

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We see alot of different people inside an auditorium, some have animal quirks, some even look like they're whole body is in flames, some muscular, and skinny, why is there so many people around a single auditorium you may ask?

Well because today is the 2nd years talent show of course!

Many people from different courses are expecting a great performance from the great 2-A and B of the hero course, some still bitter that they didn't made it but some are genuinely there to see what talent U.A students got.

Now we can hear present mic, present the first contestant and that is " KIRISHIMA EIJIRO!!!! YOU MAY NOW CLIMB UP THE STAGE! YEAHHHH" Mic screamed

"NOW FOR SOME BACKGROUND FOR OUR FIRST CONTESTANT" Mic started "kirishima eijiro is a 16 year old in the hero course, top 15 in class ranking in grades" aizawa finished

"Why the hell did i get roped into this" grumbled aizawa

"Your mic is still on Eraser!" Whisper yelled toshinori yagi

"I.DON'T.CARE." Aizawa said with gritted teeth

The audience just sweat drop thinking "this is one of the best hero teachers?"

"I don't know bout' you guys but i wanna see something awsome!" Said rumi or "mirko" as her hero name suggest

Now we see kirishima walking out on stage while people are cheering him on

Now we see kirishima walking out on stage while people are cheering him on

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{This is what he's wearing, sorry couldn't get a better pic...(pic ain't mine)}

kirishima shouted while hardening his fist and smashing them together

Hearing this the crowd cheered, kirishima started

{Play at 00:10}



"Soran, soran!" Present mic sang along


"Heave-ho, heave-ho!"


"Soran, soran!"


"Heave-ho heave-ho!"

"Of course kirishima will do a traditional japanese dance in a talent show" kaminari said sweat dropping

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