2-A's pomeranian Vs 2-B's malfoy

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×{yo, sorry if you were hoping to see what I've picked for our acid user, it's just... I don't really know anything about dancing I'm a musician so i know more on that field of talent... Again sorry if you wanna see what i picked for mina}×


"Ah, yes" all might says "ashido-shojo's performance is amazin- no i think a better word for it is mesmerizing, because of how smooth her movement is."

"I agree with all might, but when you needed to move much more showy like when you b-boy it also shows how talented you are" midnight says with a smile

"You dance, you fight, what's the difference you just move!?" Said mirko

"WELL THERE YOU HAVE IT FOLKS, LET'S GIVE ONE LAST ROUND OF APPLAUSE FOR MINA ASHIDO!!!" The leather jacket, pomade wearing loud teacher said

"That was great mina!!" Says urararararaka

"Hm hm, i must say that was an amazing display of athleticism ashido-asn" our tall queen said

"I also agree ashido-san!!" Boi mcboi hands says

"YEAH IT WAS SO MANLY! GREAT AS ALWAYS MINA!!" Sharkboy said with a thumbs up

"I must say alien queen, you are quite flexible" izuku says with his sharp eyes looking directly at mina's black and yellow eyes

"Thanks everyone!" Mina starts with a lilac blush on being complemented by everyone but it grows darker when izuku said his "complement" "I was really nervous I'm glad i didn't mess up at all!" She says with a toothy smile

"AND NOW!" Precent mic said, and everyone looks at him up front "WE HAVE THE 4TH CLASS 1-B PERFORMER!! AND IT'SSSSS"

He stops for dramatic effect

And it worked tbh

"DRACO MALF- I MEAN! MONOMA NEITO!!!!!!" Mic said while correcting himself

Some audience members that know monoma or seen him before laughs

While monoma's just angerly blabing about him looking hella fine in harry potter

And his classmates are having the time of they're life, just now noticing who monoma looks like

Same is happening in class 1-A, how monoma plays malfoy really well, the stupid, egotistical, blond, just plays draco malfoy super well, some even wondering if his only method acting for the next remake.

We see monoma going up the stage, still angry about how precent mic introduced him

Hell even aizawa forgot to say what place is malfo- monoma is in grades

When monoma got into place he said "Just play the track already so i can fuck with the bitch that disrespects dead mothers" with a sadistic look, and his lips keeps twitching upwards

Stacy's mom by fountains of wayne

{Sorry couldn't find the song, because im just using the wattpad app on my phone so yeaah (any tips will be grateful btw cuz im new to this)}

When the opening chords were played some people already knows what song it is

And izuku is just laughing so hard, because yeah it's true katsuki's mom has got it going on *wink*

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