Oh, it's my turn?

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"*sips new cup of tea* so"

The crowd is ready to listen some more so they finally stopped clapping.

"That was your universe and i hope you guys like it" izuku says with his ever so handsome million watt smile {no homo tho}

"So this next one... Hehe *chuckles charmingly* umm.. hehehe i wrote this song for the  18+hero: midnight and umm.. haha" izuku says laughing nervously

"Ooohh, it's my turn! Oohhh i hope it's those lovely dovey songs!" Midnight cooed while we see eraser shaking his head slowly

"I hope midoriya wrote something pervet-" the purple grapist didn't finished his sentence because, he was slap by.... THAT TONGUE AGAIN!

"Midoriya-chan won't write something like that. Kero" tsu said while still having her tongue out a little

"Hmm, greens no pervert like you, grapist" our very own earphone jack said

"Yeah i can't imagine midobro being a pervert, it just looks weird" sharkboi said finally getting out the rest of the tape

"Can we please stop talking so we can listen to the little listener?" Yamada asked nicely

"Sorry sensei" everyone on the table that is a student said

"So yeah... Um... People always look at midnight with lust, but... I'm kind of a 'hopeless romantic' if you will"

"Kyahhh midori just said he's a hopeless romantic as well!" Our alien queen continues to squel

"What does that mean?" Pichu ask the table

And the table didn't respond


"It means someone loves the idea of being in love and tends to think about love as having fairytale qualities" supplied kendo while also secretly loving the idea of her crush being a hopeless romantic as well

"I thought only chicks are like that?" Ask the portable charging station

"No man i think it's MANLY!" The red cactus haired shark said

"Hm, i can kinda see it... Izu-kun and me running away and getting married, rebelling against our parents wishes... *Sighs contently*" our queen momo said while day dreaming about her izu, and having a content smile on her face

"Yeah... Me and deku-kun just getting on a boat and sailing to a place, that only the two of us knows *sighs contently*" same with URARARARARAKA while this was happening izuku continues to explain his reasons on why he made the song, and midnight laser focused on izuku's every word

"So i kinda made her a song, that she will probably like because it's the only song that's not provocative, but I'd like to think that midnight is just any other girl out there, that wants a future husband, a loving family to go home to, and happy and content life, and i kinda want that for her, she deserves it, all her hard work, working as a day time hero and a teacher at the best hero school in japan as well? Like come on, give her some credit" izuku continues

"I... Sho, zashi... he gets me..." Nemuri says while having some tears roll down her face, and is now looking at her two best friends and coworkers

"Maybe i won't stop you from getting problem child" aizawa mumbles out

"I'm so happy for you nem! Finally someone that thinks that your not just all ass and titties" yamada says while smiling at his best friend

"Hehe titties" kaminari says

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