Wait... ALL OF YOU!?

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"why didn't you guys said you were going here?" Izuku said after he went on break to talk to his classmates and teachers

"We invited you but Iidabro said you were busy" kirishima said greeting his new best friend

"Hey kiribro! But still... I didn't know you girls are gonna come here..." Izuku said while blushing and looking away

" Izuku said while blushing and looking away

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"So umm... Midori-" the alien queen started but was cut off by

"Would it be okay for you to come outside izu- midoriya-kun...?" Momo said with a massive blush on her face

"Yeah, green... I gotta talk to you too" kyoka said while she's tapping her earphone jacks together... That sounds wrong omg

"Hmm, is it okay i~zu~kun?" Nemuri said seductively

"Hey i wanna talk to mean green too!" Setsuna said while pushing away nemuri

"Ah- HEY!" Nemuri complained

"Yeah... I wanna talk too midori-"
Kendo said but was cut off by

"You all wanna talk to him just go!" Sero and kaminari said while crying

"Okay okay" the girls gave their own reply


"Wait... So... You girls are serious?" Izuku said lookin like cool aid man on how red he is

"Yes" the girls said in unison

"Why?" Izuku said having small tears come out of his eyes

"You know I have a massive crush on all of you as well right? So why? I-i'm nothing but a deku... A loser... So why are girls like you saying, you like me?" Izuku said finally showing his old and broken self

"I... I like you all too, but please TELL ME WHY DO YOU LIKE ME?!" izuku shouted while full on crying now

The confident facade finally broke, this is not the smirking, piercing eyes izuku no...

This is the old izuku, the one the girls fell for...

The one that made them feel like they are loved, and cared for...

The sweet, blushing, stuttering mess that is izuku midoriya, the one that was always smiling, always cheerful, not the emo kid that replaced him three weeks ago

"Because izuku... You make us feel loved, content-" momo started

"You make our hearts go crazy because of how sweet you are-" mina continued

"You make us blush everytime you talk to us-" uraraka continued as well

"You don't look at us as objects-" midnight said

"You don't treat us badly-" said kendo

"You treat us like we're the most important thing on earth-" said setsuna

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