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     When Dheeran came back to the hut, he was furious

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     When Dheeran came back to the hut, he was furious. He pulled Mithilli aside and asked "do you really love him?" Mithilli shyly nodded yes, to which Dheeran grunted disapprovingly.

     "What's wrong?" I asked Dheeran, kneeding the yeast. "You seem upset." The rest of the family had gone to the nearby temple. Mithilli and I stayed to prepare lunch.

     Dheeran shook his head. "That man is not for my sister. Mithilli deserves more than that."

    Mithilli gasped, shocked at how disapproving her brother was of her lover. "Why would you say that? He's a bit hot-headed like you, but I assure you that he has no ill intent in his heart."

     "He said he will only marry you on the condition that I marry his sister," Dheeran said. "He is such a conniving bastard."

    The world turned upside down. I felt like all my plans had been swept up by the winds, off to the unknown land. Fate was not in my side.

     Mithilli stuttered for words. "Dheera, please don't tell me you sacrificed your life for my happiness."

    Dheeran hung his head. "I had no choice. I know how bad the rumors will be when the village hears about his rejection of you."

      "So you signed away your life? A marriage without love is marriage without happiness, brother. You should have consulted me before agreeing to marry his sister! I never would've agreed to this arrangement."

     "What did you want me to do? She was in a bad place too. She said her brother suspects that she will run away with her non-existent lover. According to her, his friends have fed him with lies with the intent to have her hand. If not me, she will have to marry one of those self-righteous bastards who go to the extent of soiling her name in order to marry her."

     Mithilli shook her head. "Still, you should've thought for one second about yourself. This is not right. Our family is not in the situation of feeding another mouth and she will suffer in a loveless marriage."

    "Who says I won't come to love her, Mithilli?"

    Hmph. Only if you marry her.

    Mithilli sighed. "I hope I will not be the cause to ruin your life, Dheera. I want you happy is all."

    "Trust me. I will be happy if our family is happy."

     "When are the engagements?" I ask Dheeran. I will need time to come up with a plan to stop all this. A man like Dheeran belongs on the throne. A man who would sacrifice his happiness for his family will sacrifice for his country too. His decision to marry for his sister further reinforced my decision. He will be mine, by any means.

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