Chapter thirty six

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Sarah's POV

We searched everywhere until we called the others to come to the school. That was over an hour ago and and now we're chasing him around the school. We've locked every entrance and exits except for the from where Raul is guarding.

I ran around the upstairs bursting into classrooms and tipping over desks and rummaging through cupboards. Not only finding something to injure him but also attempting to find him.

He's a sneaky one. I met up with Sabe and Kathrine in the halls. "Raul phoned, Blade's here along with an old 'friend'," Kathrine replies with a sour tone.

"Who's the friend?"

"Marie Claire. He said that she can help us defeat Carl."

"How? She doesn't do anything," I retort.

"Exactly. But he says she'll be helpful. I guess she's desperate for freedom after his explanation," Kathrine replies as we make our way to the front.

"Well that's Marie for ya," I reply.

Turning the corner Raul stands guard at the door ready to strike. In the distance Blade's black truck pulls into the parking lot. Both of them jump out as Marie descends towards the school while Blade is getting something from the back. I believe it's the crest.

"Just so y'all know that I'm here for my freedom, not because I want to help," Marie exclaimed once she enters through the doors.

"Just so you know, we really don't like you here. Not because we need your help," Kathrine fires back.

Marie is taken aback by Kathrines' remark. Just as she was about to say something a voice interrupts her.

"Whether you like it or not, we're gonna need all the help we can get," Blade walks up to us. A weak smile appears as I walk up to him as he replaces the crest down. Wrapping my arms around his neck I lean in for a peck, which turns into a make out.

"Alright love birds break it up, we've got to kick ass here," Sabe replies.

Breaking apart I wrap my arm around his waist as he held me close.

"So what's the plan, Ramose," Marie asked crossing her arms over her chest.

"Well, we've got to catch him. Surround him if you can and wait 'till I come. Then it'll be up to me but we've got to get him out of here so we don't burn the place down."

"Where would we take him? To the forest? It's a bit far and he'll just run away," Kathrine pointed out.

"I'll take him to the football field where I can do what I need to do."

I glance at up at him resting my head against his shoulder.

"Just be careful," I whisper.

He glances down at me kissing my forehead. "I will."

Blade took the crest and left outside towards the field. We were about to leave the front when a voice echoed through the hallways.

"You will pay for what you've done!" Roland screams.

"Not if I take both you and Blade! You both are traitors!"

"Come fucking get me!"

Before we know it Roland bolts around the corner waving at us to head outside where Blade's waiting. As we move outside, Marie, Keir, and Raul catches Carl as he runs by us.

They bring him down each holding a leg or an arm of his. "Bring him towards the field. Blade will do what he needs to do," Roland orders.

Roland's changed since the guy we've known a few weeks ago. Before he was frightened and in severe pain. Now he's taking vengeance on his father that's inflicted pain on him. As well as Blade's seeking vengeance as well. After a century and a bit he's taking his full vengeance after what he's done. I presume all the worthy he's carried over the years will finally be lifted.

I wish I could help him in some way.

Raul and Keir drag Carl towards the field with us trailing behind.

As soon as Carl locks eyes with Blade's he rips out from their grips. We all step back as they deal with each other.

I notice the clouds forming greys skies as it looks like it's about to rain.



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