Chapter twenty eight

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Sabe's POV

We all waited on the living room with our cups of blood as we waited for Raul, Victoria, or Amber to call us. I really hope she's there but deep down, I have a hunch that she isn't.

I push the hunch out of my system. I don't want it to be right. I just want her safe at home. We all will give her shit for pulling a stunt like this. Blade will give her more shit than the rest of us.

We all chose something to distract us from this while we waited. Nevada and Corbin are picking names for their baby boy. Yeah, they're having a boy. It's amazing and I can't wait to have another member apart of our family. They didn't have a name picked out yet and the baby will be born next couple months. Dawn is reading a book as she leans against Keir.

Lennix, Sapphire, Kathrine, Keir and I are playing Ticket to Ride, a very fun game. You have to place your trains on the pathways to your destinations, having to collect colour cards to place your trains on.

As we did our thing, Keir's phone rings. We all stopped what we're doing and listen. Keir picks up the phone, answers it and puts it on speaker for the rest of us to hear.

"Please tell me she's there."

A sigh on the other end. Not a good sign. Please don't tell me my hunch is right.

"She's not here. Although her phone is at a cafe where we located her. She must have dropped it when she was here. Here's the catch, we've asked everyone around, even the staff and they said no one in that description was there. We asked to see the security camera footage. She never even stepped foot into the place," Raul replied.

We all groaned in frustration. How are we supposed to break the news to Roland and Blade? Blade's defiantly gonna be heartbroken.

"As we looked through the footage, we found someone dressed in dark clothing and a hood over their face so we couldn't see, had her phone and placed it where we found it."

"That's good . . . Right?" I say hoping to have some positivity.

"Not really. The image is hard to make out. We're at a dead end."

I thought of an idea.

"Describe the clothing as best as you can."

"Well the person was wearing a heavy grey jacket. Dark grey sweatpants it looked like and shades. Along with a green striped scarf."

"Okay thanks. We're calling Blade and Roland," I say.


Keir hung up as I phoned Blade's number. I sadly don't have Roland's number which I might have to get. I put it on speaker and waited for one of the two to pick up.

"Hello?" Blade answers.

"Put it on speaker."

"Already is."

"Perfect. So we just got a call back from Raul and he said she's not there. Not a single trace."

"No. Your kidding me right? Tell me this is joke," Blade replies on the verge on anger.

"No I'm not sadly. But we do have one lead. This person had her phone and planted it at a cafe in New York which where we located it. This guys a heavy grey coat and possibly dark grey sweatpants. That's what Raul described. He also said this person wore a green striped scarf and shades."

"Green striped scarf," Roland mumbles.

"Why does that seem familiar."

"Whatcha thinking Roland?" Dawn asks.

"Oh no."

"What?!" We all screamed at him.

"It can't be. I know who it is."

"Well who the fuck is it?!" Lennix basically screams at him.

"Guys, we'll be there in a couple hours."

He hung up on us.

We all started at one another thinking the same thing.

Who the fuck would kidnap our Sarah Harper?

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