Talk with Father

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Lian's POV

I reach our wing and enter my bedroom. Where I am tackled by my three sisters. I hug them tightly, glad they are all safe. "I missed you girls too" I state. "Why weren't you lot at the parade?" I ask curious. Though I am glad they weren't.

"Father was mad, when he found out you had gone to war" Mei states.

"He figured out we knew a little of your plan" Su adds.

"So said we weren't allowed to go to the parade. Said he'd lecture us all afterwards" Ting Ting finishes.

"Well it'll have to wait until after dinner, we have a guest. Now lets get ready" I tell them. We all stand and Ting Ting goes to get me a new outfit. While I sit at the vanity Su brushing my hair as Mei does my nails. Soon we are all ready and head for the dining hall. Where father and Shang are already waiting.

"Girls, you look beautiful" father says.

"Thank you father" Ting Ting says.

"Shang, allow me to introduce you to my sisters. Ting Ting, my twin and our little sisters Su & Mei" I say. Each curtsies and takes their spots at the table.

"It is an honour to meet the princesses of China" he states. I sit beside him.

"Thank you for protecting our sister captain" Ting Ting says.

"She saved me more then I did her" he admits.

"Still, you saved father and I from Shan Yu" I remind him.

"Captian Shang has informed me of all that has happened since you reached the camp. About how you arrived with Mulan and advanced quickly in training. How you were made a squad leader. To you saving him from an avalanche and were willing to die when they found out you were a woman" father states.

"I am ready to accept any punishment you wish to give me father. I only ask that you spare my sisters, they tried to stop me and did not know I was going to war" I tell him.

"We shall discuss their involvement later. But I think it's time you started to act like a woman" he tells me.

"Of course father" I say. Dinner is served and we ate in mostly silence. Father and Shang spoke in whispers. While I caught up with my sisters. When dinner finishes the guards escorted my sisters back to our wing.

"Come Lian, we have much to discuss" father tells me and leads me to his study. I kneel on the cushion waiting for my lecture. "You had me worried sick. You could of died Lian and the empire can't afford to lose their future empress. I can't afford to lose one of my daughters. Your sisters can not lose you either" he states.

"I know father, I am sorry for worrying you all" I tell him.

"I know you are my daughter" he says as he strokes my hair. "I hope your hair grows back quickly" he states.

"I'm sure it will" I assure him.

"Good, you must look your best for you future union" he states. I look up at him shocked. "Someone has asked for your hand and I see no reason to refuse. But first he has to become a general. Which will give you plenty of time to get to know each other properly" he explains.

"Who is it father?" I ask him curious.

"Captain Li Shang" he answers and I blush. "Does this please you my daughter?" he asks me.

"Yes father, I admire him a lot and could see us together" I tell him.

"Good, now as for your punishment. You are confined to the palace until the destroyed section is rebuilt" he tells me. I nod my head. "Now I have thought about this a lot and I think it's about time women be given the option to fight. You and Mulan have proved that a woman can win a war. So I will have training offered to any woman who wishes to learn how to fight for China" he tells me.

"That is great father" I tell him.

"But you and your sisters will not be allowed to train. You are already a warrior and I your sisters will not need to know how to fight" he states.

"If that is your wish father" I tell him.

"It is, now you must be exhausted from your journey and the fighting. Go sleep" he tells me. I nod my head and hug him goodnight before leaving. As I walk to my room I see Shang.

"Shang!" I call and he looks at me. He comes over. "I just spoke to my father, I wish you had spoke to me first before going to him" I tell him. As we walk down the hall.

"I hope I have not offended you" he tells me.

"I am not offended, I flattered that you want to court me. But you did not have to ask my father for permission. Not until you wished to ask me for my hand in marriage" I tell him.

"You are right, would you like to go out tomorrow? Tour the city" he asks.

"I can't, I am grounded until the destroyed part of the palace is rebuilt. So I can't leave the palace until then. How about I give you a tour of the palace?" I suggests.

"I'd like that" he says with smile. We reach my wing. "Good night" he says.

"Good night Shang" I say and kiss his cheek. Then leave him going to my room. I change and do my teeth. Calling it an early night.

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