pilot ⁴

290 29 23

"Hey, wait! Seokjin! Just wait a second!" Hoseok attempted to calm the man as he scrambled to get out of the water.

Jin ignored the doctor, climbing out without help and stumbling down the steps.

On the other side of the lab, Namjoon practically dropped everything, eyes only fixated on Jin as he rose from the tank.

There was a clear look of worry on his face as he rushed forward, nervous that something wasn't right.

Today was a close call. Things that had never malfunctioned before had gone crazy like nothing Namjoon had ever seen. They'd put an untrained person in the fish tank, and hoped for the best.

Things could've gone very wrong.

And if they had? Namjoon didn't know what he would do.

He couldn't lose another person...

Taehyung came up next to him, holding out a tablet.

"Namjoon, that anomaly was-"

"Yeah, yeah. I saw-" he cut his best friend off, pushing past him, still focused on Jin.

The man was walking towards him, almost like he was in shock or in some type of trance. His eyes were wide, and he had an almost sorrowful expression on his face.

Namjoon waited cautiously as Jin approached him.

"Seokjin, are you okay?" he asked, voice laced with concern.

Jin was still trying to process what he'd just witnessed.

His brain was jumping all over the place, visions that weren't his own, crowding his head.

A sudden memory jumped out at him.

It was Jane and Peter entangled in one another, passionate kisses and delicate touches. A sense of warmth and light, flooded Jin's body.

Peter reached out to tenderly caress the side of Jane's face and Jin unknowingly copied the action in real-time.

Namjoon flinched slightly, not expecting Jin to touch the side of his face, brushing a stray hair out of his eyes.

"Blue door...Sepulveda..." the man muttered, weakly.

Namjoon froze, eyes wide in shock, hands stiff by his side, as Jin suddenly leaned forward and pressed his lips against the scientist's.

The man didn't know what to do and wasn't sure why he responded to Jin's kiss, but the whole lab suddenly paused to stare.

It only lasted for a moment, before Jin pulled back, an almost upset look on his face.

"I am so sorry...Jane," he said, voice trailing off, eyes rolling into the back of his head and he slumped forward, unconscious.

"Whoa, hey!"

Namjoon was quick to snap out of it, as he quickly grabbed Jin before the man slipped to the floor.


The next thing Jin knew, he was groaning, stretching his arms above his head and opening his eyes as the sun flooded in through the blinds.

It took him a moment to realize that he was not in his own room.

Or his own clothes.

He quickly pulled the sheets back, swinging his legs off the mattress and onto the floor. Looking down, he stared in disbelief and maybe even fear that someone had changed him into boxers and an oversized t-shirt.

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