Chapter 1 Broken dreams and shattered views

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"Ultradash, progress report." "Yes, Mischief. 5 fallen heroes this month. All bottom ranks, below rank 300." "Is that it?" "...Yes..." "I thought many heroes would be roaming about. Not including heroes that are actually fighting for justice." "There were, but the heroes are taking more precautions." "I gave you all battle strategies for almost every possible hero that could arrive on the scene. How did you all only manage to eliminate 5?" "Mischief-" "That's enough. Thank you. But this is unacceptable. We'll discuss these failures later, you're dismissed." "Yes..."

The figure named Ultradash left to report to the others, while the one named Mischief looked at the multiple monitors in front of him that illuminated the dark room. A few of the screens displayed heroes on patrol. Rapidly showing their current known locations caught on camera as Mischief flicked through them. 'Weak...many of these heroes are not nearly as powerful as the ones we're planning to take down. We need to update our strategies as well or we'll be taken down.'

Mischief stopped his mindless search on heroes as soon as he spotted one. The No.1 hero, All Might. He observed how the pro aided those in need, living up to his reputation as the symbol of peace. Switching the screen, he saw an interview of Aizawa on the deaths of UA's top class of freshmen. Mischief turned off the monitor. "How did it end up like this..."

A few months ago

A green haired teen ran through the halls of UA trying to get to class. He was making good pace until he was suddenly tripped. Falling to the floor, he looked up at whoever tripped him and was met face to face with a blonde haired student. "Watch your step, greenie. I know you're desperate to make it to your little squad, but seeing you run like a chicken with its head cut off, it's pathetic!" Monoma laughed.

"Yeah, haha...funny joke." Midoriya reached for his books but they were kicked away by Monoma. Other students watch the encounter and chuckle to themselves or laugh in his face. Midoriya holds back tears as he picks up his stuff and runs to class. Shutting the door behind him, he looks at his classmates who begin to comfort him.

"Seeing us upset only fuels their antics! We must be the bigger person and ignore them." Iida says, moving his hand in a chop like motion. "They're such jerks and for what?" Sero adds, scratching the back of his head. Everyone looks like they went through similar incidents when getting to class.


Chants continued outside as other students shouted insults towards the class as a whole or specific students. All of 1A were secretly losing their will to become heroes, as they were judged by others all the time. Every single day, they were criticized for their quirks being villain like or not useful for hero work. Any rational person would know that was far from the truth.

Misjudged as being spoiled brats by their peers and even some civilians because 1A is deemed the strongest freshman class of the best hero school. They were constantly bullied/stepped on by others and they hated it. The press constantly harasses them on information about the heroes. They're even punished for using their quirks even if it was for a good cause.

So many high expectations are placed on their shoulders. It was exhausting for such young teens. Even some of the heroes lost faith in them. Unlike at the start of the year, class 1A began seeing holes in the perfect hero system. Some pros would get sloppy if they were witnesses because class 1A was thought to be wearing rose tinted glasses. Due to this, they would be less likely to report them. In a way, they were right. Who would want to report one of the pros and who would believe that they're telling the truth instead of doing it for attention?

By this time, the rest of their classmates had arrived. The insults coming from outside were cut off by a commanding shout. "All of you, shut up and head to class! How do you expect to become heroes when you're spouting petty insults." 1A heard footsteps running away as Aizawa walked in with some other pros.

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