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You hadn't even seen him there, obscured in the darkness of night - and it was obvious that he hadn't been expecting anyone to come out back. He startled, stumbling away from where he had been leaning, and your heart leapt into your throat, surprised in the worst way possible.

So surprised, that you threw the bag of vegetable scraps at him as a form of self defense.

The bag bounced harmlessly against the man's chest and landed on the ground. Your eyes darted to it first, but then up to the man you had thrown it at - taking in his features from the light streaming out of the still-open door. He wasn't too tall, but he had the build of someone who had known a farm life before - broad shoulders and muscle made for work, not show. His clothes were practical, and he carried a pack strapped to his back. It was his face that was the most interesting though - he couldn't have been much older than you, and he looked kind, for lack of a better word. Open, almost.

What caught your attention the most though was the panic in his eyes.

"Hello." You said, not knowing what else to say. "I didn't know anyone was back here."

You expected him to run, to make some kind of escape - as any spooked person would, but he didn't just leaning back up against the wall and worrying his teeth into his lip. "Hello." He said, voice rough and sounding a little pained.

"Are you..." Your eyes narrowed, scanning down his body. It was hard to see in the semi-darkness, but sure enough, he was resting his whole weight on one leg, using the wall for support. His other leg was bent, keeping his foot in the air. "You're hurt."

"Oh - no." The man said, suddenly fake cheery. "Just twisted my foot on my walk, so I stopped for a moment. I'll be on my way in a second, don't you worry." He tried for a smile only for it to come out more like a pained grimace.

Not believing his bullshit for a moment, you just crossed your arms in front of your chest and leaned against the back of the house, waiting for him to be on his way like he'd said. He didn't move though, just pushing off the wall to pretend to put his other foot down, wincing when it hit the ground. He didn't meet your eyes as you shook your head.

"You could've just said." You said, stepping out of the door fully to reach out to him. "I'm sure we've got something inside that can help you with that-"

"No!" The man said, stumbling backwards a bit. "Uh- no, but thank you. I'll be alright on my own, promise. I'll be out of your hair as soon as I catch my breath."

His aversion to letting you help him made you hesitate - there was a thief on the loose after all, and one that supposedly could be walking from a limp. Looking at the man's face again though, you couldn't imagine him as someone that had robbed a bank - he looked too nice, too honest. And even if he had, it was obvious that he was very hurt.

Against the part of your brain that sounded a lot like skeptical Miss Dolly, you kept the hand you had extended out, reaching out towards the man. "Bullshit. Come inside."

"I don't want to cause any trouble." The man said, still not taking your hand. "I-"

"Jesus Christ." You said, stepping forward and grabbing one of his hands as you grumbled. "I'm starting to think Miss Dolly was right about men - can't accept help to save your lives..."

The man tried to shrink back from your touch but you would let him, slinging the arm that you had captured over your shoulders and forcing him to lean against you, taking the weight off his bad foot and letting him use you for support. You couldn't quite see what was wrong yet, as he was still wearing his boots, but whatever it was, you were sure Anne could fix it. She had saved her father from a poisonous snake bite when she was eight years old - she could mend a hurt foot.

"Really-" The man tried to say as you marched him towards the door as gently as you could. "You don't have to - shit, fuck." He cut himself off with a groan as he bad foot scraped along the ground, his teeth finding their way into his bottom lip again to stifle the sound. You still heard it though, low in his throat and right next to your ear.

"You can barely walk." You said, kicking open the door and holding it with your hip as you helped this man into the saloon. "You're lucky I didn't take your bullshit - you wouldn't have made it to wherever you were going like this."

"I was just taking a minute to rest..." The man insisted weakly.

You just rolled your eyes, walking him through the saloon and into the back rooms. "Anne?" You called, hoping that she hadn't gone upstairs already. There was no way you were getting this guy upstairs with his foot like it was - it was hard enough just getting him inside without his knees completely giving out from pain.

"Yeah?" Anne called back, her voice coming from the kitchens.

"Oh thank goodness." You said, leading the man over to one of the extra chairs Perkins kept in the back and easing him down onto it, trying not to jostle his foot too much. "Can you c'mere? And bring the medical kit!"

Something clattered in the kitchen, and Anne came bursting out of the doors, medical kit tucked under her shoulder and a cigarette dangling from her lips. Her eyes darted to you - worried - but then softened when she realized you were perfectly fine. It was then her gaze slipped to the man in the chair and she sighed, exhaling a puff of smoke.

"You've got to be kidding me."

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