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You pushed open the back door - the same back door you had found Nick huddled beside that night, and dragged him inside to fix him up. Now, it seemed like almost an entirely different place as you helped Nick down the few steps to the ground, letting him lean against the fencepost at the bottom of the stairs. The night, you hadn't known who he was, or how much he would come to mean to you.

Now, you did. And for better or worse, your affections would not let you turn him in to the law.

"Anne said she was going to get one of the horses..." You said, slipping out from under Nick's arm as he leaned against the fencepost there. "Just stay put for a moment, yeah?"

"Not like I was going anywhere without you, sweetheart." Nick said, resting his weight on the wood.

A heat rose in your face as you turned away, looking for where Anne had tied the horse. Now was not really the time for him to be joking around, yet he still was. You headed around to the side of the saloon, where the patrons tied up their horses if they had rode in. You scanned down the line of animals, looking for one of Perkins. You spotted a familiar palomino at the end of the line, and started off towards it.

You moved quickly, feet causing the ground to cough up little puffs of dust - not unlike the exhale of a cigarette. You could hear some of the chatter through the cracked open windows as you passed. Craning an ear, you listened for a moment. Nothing sounded amiss, but that didn't have to mean anything.

You reached the palomino, making your way to the front of the animal and unlooping the reins from where Anne had hurriedly secured them for a moment. The horse huffed at you as you began to tug gently on the reins, leading it away from the rest of the animals. For a moment, you were worried that people would see you through the windows, but logic kicked in. People moved horses around all the time - no one would bat an eye.

You led the horse back around the building, to where Nick was still waiting. His attention was not on you though, but the window of the attic that faced in this direction.

"Nick?" You asked, leading the horse over.

Nick's eyes flicked away from the window and towards you, taking in his ride. "That's a fine animal." He noted. "I hate to take it from you."

You waved a hand. "It's fine." You said, stopping the horse in front of the stairs. "With the ankle, I figured the steps would probably help for you to mount, and I can help too..." You trailed off, realizing Nick's attention had returned to the window above you. "What?"

"Hm?" Nick asked, eyes darting back down to you again. "I was just getting one last look... before, you know..."

"Oh." You said, your eyes drifting up to the attic window as well. He had spent so much time in that room, and he really hadn't gotten the chance to say goodbye to the space. You felt a little bad - but there wasn't really time. Not when the Sheriff was in the house, it wasn't safe-

Speak of the devil, and he shall look out the window.

As both you and Nick were still gazing up at the window, a shadow moved behind the curtains. That was the only warning before they were wrenched open, revealing Sheriff Jones behind them, peering out the window of the attic. For a moment, all three of you just looked at each other.

But then the Sheriff was whipping around, and your stomach dropped. "Horse." You said, stepping back on the steps to make room for Nick to hobble up beside you. He planted one hand on the railing of the stairs, and the other on the saddle, slinging his good foot up into the stirrups.

For a moment, he held the awkward position. "Give me a boost?"

Nick hefted himself up at the same time you lifted up the leg with his bad ankle, helping him swing it over to the other side of the horse. He settled onto the horse, grabbing the reins and wrapping the leather around his hands. You expected him to take off, but he hesitated, glancing between you and the back door.

"Nick, you have to go." You said, urgency plain in your voice.

"He saw us both." Nick said, eyebrows furrowed. "What'll happen to you?"

"I..." You hesitated. You didn't know. Was helping a wanted criminal something that could land you in jail? Worst case scenario, Anne and Perkins could lie and say they had nothing to do with it - the Sheriff hadn't seen them directly interacting with Nick after all. But you? "I don't know."

From inside the saloon, you heard a shout.

"I can't leave you here." Nick said. "What if they have grounds to convict you-"

"You can't stay." You interrupted. "Nick, you need to go-"

"Come with me." He interrupted you now, reaching down from the saddle. "I can't let you stay here."

You looked at his hand, stretched outwards towards you. With him, whatever would come of the Sheriff seeing you help him run away wouldn't matter, but you would be leaving behind Anne and Perkins and the piano and everything about Blooming Rose. You wouldn't have to lose Nick though.

It was a split second decision really. The back door burst open at the same moment you took Nick's hand, letting him haul you up onto the saddle in front of him. For a second, you and the Sheriff made eye contact, but then Nick was grabbing the reins, his arms around you, and the horse was kicking into gear, galloping away from the saloon and into the streets.

You didn't really realize what you had did until after you had done it.

You could feel Nick's laugh bubble up in his chest behind you before he let it out into the air.

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