Part 46

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*Jimin POV*

I was having a day at home when I got a call from Jungkook, when I answered I could hear him mumbling to someone and his office door close.

"Hey babe"

"Hey, everything alright?"

"Yeah, more than alright, just letting you know Bora Bora is booked" he told me with a soft laugh

"Really?" I couldn't stop my smile "thank you, when for?"

"Mid June. We're going for just over two weeks"

"Do I want to know how much this has cost you?"

"No. You'll only shout at me" he laughed

It's been a little under two months since we discussed going away. In that time Hoseok has moved house, Yoongi and his girlfriend found out they're having a baby (which was a shock to everyone), and Namjoon and Tae have got another cat, Jin is as single as ever and enjoying wining and dining people.

"Well thank you Kook, I actually can't wait to get away with you for a bit"

"Me too beautiful"

"I'm going to have a rummage for clothes and things now. I'm excited" I laughed

"Okay, I'll help as soon as I get home"

"When will that be? How many more meetings today?"

"Only the one but it's two hours long. Then I have to stay probably for another hour to organise a few bits"

"That's not bad then. I'll see you later, I love you"

"I love you too beautiful"

I was soon in a mound of clothes and trying to pin point exactly what I want Jungkook to wear. If I had it my way it'd be nothing but unfortunately we have to go in public. We still have three months until we go but I like being prepared.

An hour and a half before Jungkook was due home I went to the kitchen to make his favourite dinner for him. He always claims when he tries to make it himself it's never as nice but I don't believe him, I think he's just lazy and doesn't want to cook. I don't mind though, I like looking after him. I set the table with some wine glasses and candles, also opting to put some music on gently in the background. After looking over my outfit I also decided to get myself changed and put on an outfit I know Jungkook likes me in.

When Jungkook found me in the kitchen he stood in the doorway and looked at me with a cheeky smile. He looked at the table and saw I had set it ready and then came over to look in the pans to see what I was cooking, groaning with joy when he smelt it.

"What've I done to deserve this? You look amazing" he mumbled and wrapped his arms around my waist

"Wanted to treat you. Do you like it?"

"Love it. It's just what I needed. Thank you beautiful. I'm just going to get changed and wash my face and things"

"Stay smart, put a clean shirt on. I want a date night at home, is that alright? A night out without going out"

"More than alright. Give me 10 minutes and I'll be down with a washed face and clean shirt" he smirked and kissed me.

As I was dishing up the food I could hear Jungkook singing to himself as he freshened up. I placed the bowls on the table and got a bottle of Jungkooks favourite (over priced) wine and put that on the table as well. As I heard him skipping down the stairs, still singing to himself, I got the final few things finished and waited for him. He was wearing a grey shirt this time and still had his ridiculously overpriced watch on. He had the top button open and his sleeves rolled up and had brushed his hair out of the perfectly held in place style. I couldn't stop myself from scanning him up and down and sighed happily when he pulled me into his arms.

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