Part 38

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*Jimin POV*

"I have something to ask you"

"What?" I asked and looked at him. He paused the tv and sat onto his knees and looked a bit apprehensive

"If I asked you to move in with me, would you?"


"Yeah. Not this house... but somewhere else. I don't like this place anymore. I only bought it to make up for the lack of romance I had. And now that I have you, I want somewhere a little more homey and snug. This is too big, I want to sell it"

"Are you being serious? I thought you loved this place"

"I do. But there's no touch of you in it. I want you to have an impact on it"

"But I'm still in uni"

"I know. It doesn't have to be every night. Just like a part time thing if it makes you more comfortable. I just want you to have things here so if you want, you can stay here for a few nights on the run. I don't want you to feel pressured. I'm going to be moving anyway. But I'd love to do it with you"

"Sounds like some 50 shades of grey shit" I laughed

"Hasn't the whole of our relationship?" He smirked and kissed me

"Yeah I guess that's true"

"So what do you say?"

"Okay" I nodded after a moment of thinking and saw him smile "yeah. Let's do it" I giggled and was suddenly pulled on top of him.

"Like I said..." he said softly and kissed me "it doesn't have to be a full time thing for you. You can stay as long as you want"

"For the time being, it won't be a full time move in. I still have my accommodation with Hoseok and I need my own space for while still. But eventually, I'll move in properly. Maybe after I graduate"

"I'm so happy"

"Me too" I laughed and kissed him "have you seen any places you like?"

"No. Even though I want it simpler and smaller, I'm still very particular"

"What do you like?"

"You" he smirked

"I mean in houses" I said with a smack to his chest

"Well I would normally go for something like this. Big and extravagant. But I think if it's something for both of us, it would have to be smaller, no more than 4 bedrooms. A garden. I would like to get into gardening. I'd love to make you a garden full of all your favourite flowers and plants. I'd like a nice kitchen still. I'd need all my gadgets and stuff in there"

"What gadgets?"

"My baking stuff"

"You bake? Why've you never told me this?"

"I've never made you dessert before?"

"No! I feel personally victimised" I joked with him

"What would you like?" He smiled

"Cookies and apple crumble"

"Come on then"

"I can't believe you've never told me this"

"Get over it, you didn't tell me you could do the splits until a few months ago" he growled into my ear and kissed my neck "and that's a skill I could've been putting to good use"

"And you should have told me this skill of yours as a reward"

"Alright, I'll give you that one"

It's been a few months since we had our argument. Since then we've been better than ever. We know what it's like to not have the other now and we both know we don't want that again.

We've been going on more dates, from cute lunch dates to high class expensive dates. We've been having more sex. It may not seem like a big deal, but it is. It's a time when all of our attention is on each other and only each other. He's been more attentive and caring with me, not that he never was, he's just been doing it more. I now realise just how much he means to me as well. I know how empty I feel when he isn't around. I actually know how much I like him, and it's a lot.

Watching him make the desserts for me gave me a snippet of what it would be like to live with him. He looked so happy and comfortable as he mixed all the ingredients together.

"What flavour cookie do you want?"

"Can you make peanut?"

"I can do anything you want" he smiled and pecked my lips


"Within reason" he laughed and got the flavourings.

An hour later and he had finished both of the desserts. He got two bowls out and cut a slice of the crumble for each of us. Since I was sat on the counter he stood between my legs and fed me a spoonful. He watched my face intently, looking for my reaction and I couldn't help but shake my entire body with excitement at how good it was. His face cracked into a wide smile as he tried it himself.

"It's good" he nodded "nice choice beautiful" I couldn't help but smile wide when he called me that nickname "been a while since I called you that, huh?" He realised himself

"Mhm" I nodded. He put the bowls down and wrapped his arms around me.

"I'm sorry. I didn't realise"

"I didn't either so it's alright. It just felt nice hearing it again"

"Jimin..." he mumbled into my neck as he hugged himself into me.


"I love you" his voice was so quiet and scared. He leaned away and looked at me "I love you" he said again and held my hand

"I don't know what to say..."

"You don't have to say anything. If you're not ready to say it yet, that's fine. But I needed to. I need you to know how I feel"

"I'm not ready yet... but I'm glad you told me. I like you a lot, you know that. I'm just not ready to say anything more right now"

"It's okay. You don't need to explain yourself"

"And you aren't upset I didn't say it back?"

"No. If you had reacted badly I would've been, but you're still here. That's surely a good sign" he smiled cheekily and kissed my lips

"Just you watch, the second you let go of me I'm running out that door" I teased him and pulled him for another kiss, this time one that had more feeling and emotion in it.

"Then I'm never letting go" he laughed and brought me in for a deeper kiss "I haven't scared you have I?" He asked when we pulled away

"No. Not at all. I love that you love me" I giggled "I'm on my way to being in the same place, I've never felt this strong about someone, I'm just not 100% there and I don't want to say it when I'm not fully confident"

"Babe, I said you don't need to explain yourself. I understand, and whenever you're ready to tell me, I might, just might, spare the time to listen" he smiled "let's go and finish this food in bed. We can look online for places"

"Okay" I agreed and followed him upstairs, giving his butt smacks as he climbed the stairs. He made sure to give me one back when I climbed into bed with him, making it a little harder so he asserted his dominance over me "you just can't let me win can you?"

"No. I have to be more dominant" he chuckled and passed me my bowl of food meaning he didn't see my look of determination to change that mindset he has.

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