Part 31

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Everyone pretty much fell in love with Jungkook straight away. Which I'm not surprised about since it's his job to be charming and charismatic, it was just interesting watching it all happen.

"Do you want a drink?" I asked him

"I'll get it" he nodded and handed me his card.

"Nope. If we're doing a real student night out, you are not allowed to use your card. We'll stop by my apartment in a bit so you can leave it there"

"How will I pay for things?"

"Cash?" I laughed "I'll let you bring £40 and that's it"

"That's barely enough for a decent bottle of wine" he said but I knew he was joking since he smirked a little

"You're such a snob sometimes" I whispered and pecked his lips

"I just like the finer things in life" he smirked and kissed me a little deeper "but alright. I'm up for the challenge. £40 it is"

"I'll get the next round in then"

I could feel his eyes on me the whole time I was at the bar, which I confirmed with a sneaky side eye. He was practically eating me up with his eyes and I'd be lying if I said I didn't love the attention.

"Jimin, say no if you don't want me to... but can I talk to Jungkook about what it is with you two? It's driving me insane at the thought of him treating you bad" Hoseok said as he stood next to me

"Are you really that convinced that it's purely a sugar daddy situation?"

"No. There's just something niggling in the back of my mind and I can't push it away. I won't make him uncomfortable or anything, I just want to make sure he's treating you right"

"Okay. Do it. I want to know myself anyway"

I tried to not watch as they were talking with each other, I also tried to not let my nerves show and took a few deep breaths, but when I had the drinks I ordered I had no choice but to walk back to them both. I placed a glass in front of Jungkook and noticed the look he gave me but couldn't quite figure it out. I looked at Hoseok but he wasn't looking in my direction, Yoongi had pulled him to the side for something. I sat down and discreetly let a nervous breath go, which was quickly knocked out of me again when Jungkook pulled me in for the tightest hug I've ever had.

"I like you Jimin. This isn't just some arrangement for me. These are real feelings, I like you, a lot" he whispered

"You do?"

"Yeah. Do you? Do you like me?"

"Mhm" I nodded and kissed under his ear "a lot"

"Want to be my boyfriend?" He smirked and looked at me cheekily

"Mhm" I said again with a giggle and kissed him softly

"So I can actually officially tell people I'm yours and not have to doubt it?" He smiled and kissed me again

"Have you been telling people about me?"

"Maybe" he blushed "I would say things like 'I'm seeing my boyfriend tonight...' or 'sorry my boyfriend is calling', and then I would panic in my head because I felt like I didn't have the right to call you that"

"You're so cute"

"I wish we could be alone so we could celebrate this the right way" he smirked and looked me up and down. He didn't lower his voice either so from the corner of my eye that Hoseok looked at us with a disgusted face.

"Later my love" I whispered which made him groan

"Call me that again" he said and watched my lips

"My love" I said again and licked my lips at the end. Just as he was leaning in to kiss me I turned my head so he got my jaw. I felt him sigh and kiss my neck before leaning away and smirking.

"You two are disgusting" Hoseok muttered and downed half his drink "come on" he said with a tap to his glass "I'm nearly a drink ahead of you guys and it's Jungkook's round"

Just as I was about to fight Hoseok and tell him to let Jungkook go at his own pace but he finished his drink off clean and went to the bar. I watched him with wide eyes from shock and also kind of impressed. As soon as he was out of ear shot I pulled Hoseok closer

"What did he say?"

"He really likes you. Like really, really likes you. I can see how much he cares for you and I believe him when he says he's in this for the long haul. It's not just some little fling he's after"

"Are you serious?"

"Hand on heart serious" he smiled

I couldn't stop myself from giggling and shaking out all my heebee-jeebees. Hoseok just laughed and congratulated me on finding a decent boy, finally. When Jungkook came back he egged me on to finish my first drink as he placed another in front of me. We all clinked glasses and fell into a conversation.

The whole time Jungkook had his arm around my shoulder, which I loved as it showed everyone that tried to hit on me earlier that I do actually have a boyfriend and to not try again. I liked Jungkook absentmindedly showing everyone that I'm his. He wasn't going out of his way to be protective, it was just what he did naturally. I linked my hand with his and gave it a tight squeeze. As Hoseok was saying something Jungkook kissed my temple and reached for his drink.

It was strange seeing him in such a casual situation. I know I've seen him at his most casual state, but in public he's normally very put together and professional. Seeing him like this only made my heart swell that little bit more. I liked seeing how similar we really are. I liked taking away all the differences and just leaving it with the basics.


When we were at the club we were both in a drunk state. We were still in control of what we were doing but it was clear we would be hungover the next day. Since it was a Friday night, I didn't have anywhere to be the next day and I can only hope Jungkook doesn't either so he can stay with me and we can feel disgusting and groggy together. He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my neck. I also noticed him pushing his crotch into my butt and decided to ignore that pass at me on purpose.

"What do you want to drink?" He asked and nibbled on my ear

"A shot. Don't want to carry a drink"

"Okay" he nodded and got the bartenders attention "four tequilas"

When she placed the shots in front of us he gave the cash and handed one of them over to me. I clinked glasses with him and knocked it back and took the second. Jungkook did the same and once again clinked glasses before drinking it. We both squirmed from the taste and sucked the lemon to try and make it a little easier which only made me squirm again. Jungkook laughed at me and pulled me to dance. He kept me close to him with our crotches constantly lined up to each other's. He knew the effect he was having on me and he used it to his advantage and I was more than happy for him to do so.

"Does alcohol trigger all your hormones or something?" I giggled into his ear and kissed down his neck

"I can't help it" he smiled "you're just so hot"

"Keep it in your pants Kook" I smirked and pulled him further into the crowd of people to dance

"I can't make promises like that when your dancing like this" he smirked and pulled our hips together again and kissed me hot and heavy.

He stayed as desperate and clingy with me all night and into the early morning. His hands wouldn't leave my body for a second. He made sure everyone knew we were together and if anyone even dared to try and hit on either of us, it wouldn't end well.

Indecent proposal (Jikook au)Where stories live. Discover now