Part 19

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Walking into Jungkook's workplace was both nerve racking and exciting. It reeked of Jungkook and not in the sense of you could smell him but it was dripping in his style. Anyone who knows Jungkook could see the effort he's put into the decoration of the building.

Namjoon led me down multiple hallways and it felt like some sort of illusion as every corridor looked the same. Some people would greet Namjoon with a lot of a respect and other people, Namjoon would greet with a lot of respect. I got the understanding that Namjoon was important, but not too important. Not Jungkook important.

When we got to Jungkook's office Namjoon told me to wait a little further back as he stood in line with the camera. I saw Jungkook's face flash up and wave before letting what he thought was just Namjoon into his office.

"I don't want him to know you're here. I want him to be surprised"

The door buzzed to let us know it was open and Namjoon pushed his way in. My heart was beating so fast I thought I could've passed out at any second. What if he doesn't want to see me? He's not invited me here. This is his private work life, maybe he doesn't want me to see this side of everything.

Namjoon put the bag of food on Jungkook's desk on the other side of the room. Jungkook had his back to me as the desk he was sat at was facing a window that looked out onto the city. Jungkook was talking on the phone and typically frantically on his laptop. Namjoon read over his shoulder for a minute, kissed Jungkook's hair and then came back over to me.

"He seems busy, maybe we should come back later" I said quietly

"No. He'll be over the moon to see you. Just let him finish his call and business plan for a new company he's helping"

"He's doing two things at once? How? How can he be talking on the phone and typing a business plan at the same time?"

"That's his brain. It's why he's made the money he has. He can do a million things at once and everything will come out perfect. He works really hard but he can do more in a day than two people together can do in three days. He doesn't bother with help anymore because it just slows him down"


My attention was snapped back to the moment when Jungkook shouted at whoever was on the other side of the phone. I felt very glad it wasn't me but also impressed that he doesn't let people walk over him. He puts people in their place.

Namjoon led me to the sofa in the corner and told me to sit down. He put the bag of food from the restaurant on the side and went back to Jungkook. He took one of the headphones and listened in on the call. I saw he looked angry as well and quickly wrote something on some paper and showed Jungkook. Jungkook nodded and patted Namjoons back. Jungkook then repeated, what I'm guessing Namjoon had wrote down. The phone quickly came to an end and Jungkook spent another five minutes typing up the business plan before looking at Namjoon.

"Thanks, that was good thinking of you. God what a dick" he sighed and ran his finger through his hair, ruffling it up a little

"Anytime" Namjoon smiled and looked at me. Jungkooks eyebrows furrowed as he followed Namjoons gaze, which immediately disintegrated and he practically flew over to me.

"Jimin... what are you doing here?" He asked and kneeled in front of me. His eyes were full of hope and sorrow and if I had any anger inside me it would have melted away on the spot. But I wasn't angry. Not at all, I just want Jungkook to be normal with me again.

"We need to talk. I'm angry with you" I whispered and he nodded. I seemed to naturally cup his cheeks with my hands and kissed his forehead "I missed you" I couldn't stop myself from saying it. I wanted to get all my anger out first but it's so hard for me to be angry with Jungkook.

"I'm so sorry" he mumbled and held onto my hands. At some point Namjoon had left us alone "I missed you as well"

"You've been a dickhead"

"I know. I regret it all... I should've just asked you out like a normal person and then helped you with money, if you wanted me to. I should never have done it and I'm so sorry"

"It's okay. That's not what made you a dickhead"

"I should've trusted you, I know. I knew deep in my soul that you had a good heart, it just seemed too good to be true. You seemed too good for me. Tell me what I did that made me a dickhead" he smiled and twisted his head a little to kiss my palm. My hands were still cupping his cheeks and I had absent-mindedly  been tucking his hair behind his ears

"You're crazy" I smiled and stroked my thumb over his cheek "you were a dick because you didn't even talk to me about it. You assumed that when I said we should do it again, that I would do it for the money. Not for you. You should have sat me down and really found out how I felt. Because I like you Jungkook. I like you. I thought you liked me as well. But when you were with that girl, god... I could have killed you. I was so angry and upset. How could you do that to me? Was it not obvious that I like you? Why did you have to flaunt her in front of me? You could've gone anywhere else! You've really played with my heart"

"I am so sorry. Anyway I can make it up to you I will" he sighed and held my hands tighter

"When I'm over the sudden overwhelming need to hold you right now I'll probably have more things to say about all of this, but the fact you haven't hugged me yet is insulting" I giggled and kissed his nose he smiled and tightened his arms on my waist, obviously not pulling me in properly yet until he's said everything he needs to

"I want to build your trust in me back up. I want you to see the good side of me and the life I have"

"I would like that" I smiled again and pulled him a little closer, really hinting this time I want him to hold me

"And you need to take the money back"

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. I want you to have it. I accidentally cashed it in so I'll write you a new one"

"But it's money you've earned"

"And I want the guy who holds my heart to have it" he blushed

"I have your heart?" I giggled and kissed his nose again

"Well and truly. I'm so sorry for how I've been with you"

"It's okay" I smiled and leaned in to kiss him gently "I understand why you did it"

"You do?"

"Yeah. Namjoon told me you've been used for your money in the past and I want you to trust me. I'm not here for that. I'm here for you and you only. You could loose it all tomorrow and I would still want you just the same"

"You're amazing"

"How long have you had feelings for me?"

"Since about two months into flirting with you. You gave me a look and I saw you in a completely different way"

"Why didn't you ever act like a normal person and just ask me out?"

"I liked the game of chasing you, but I hated it when those other guys would treat you bad. I really wanted to hurt them when you would be sad about them. I loved the chase but I was scared of the worst happening if we went out. I didn't want to risk loosing that connection. In my head, you were already mine. But obviously you weren't"

"I would've been if you asked though"

"I know you would have" he smirked and pulled me in for another kiss. This time not stopping until we were both gasping for air. He was still on his knees in front of me with his arms around my waist. He kept pulling me closer to him until I joined him on the floor and was straddling his thighs. As soon as he felt the weight of my body in his hold he sighed and wrapped his arms around me completely "can we sort this out?"

"Yeah" I giggled and pulled him into me again "only if you promise to not break my heart like that again"

"I think that's a promise I can deal with" he smiled and kissed me again

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