the three times barry held ezekiel and the one time he didn't

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sad. sad. angst. happy ending

set before suicide squad, during, and then during justice league

the order will not follow regular "three times blank and one time blank" instead it will be one two, one, three

i'm taking inspiration for my angel being from multiple sources, including the constantine movie, supernatural (sigh) as well as adding my own ideas in:) all angels are genderless, however ezekiel most commonly presents masculine, i envision cillian murphy, specifically from the early 2000's for this character

their meeting had been less than normal, barry was out on his nightly patrol when he'd come across the warehouse. like most of the other hundreds that laid throughout gotham, nothing seemed out of the ordinary, in fact he was almost ready to completely brush past it, until he'd heard the bloodcurdling, tortured screams coming from inside. the sound froze him in place, eyes wide as he looked towards the door of the warehouse. the screams continued as he cautiously approached, and he knew he should have called the cops, but he couldn't stand here and listen to those screams while he waited for someone else to get here, so with a deep breath he pushed open the big warehouse door just enough to let himself in. as soon as he did, however, a hot white light burst from within, and another scream, different to whoever had been screaming before. now, he really should have called for help, but as he stepped more into the  warehouse, the fear that filled him kept him from even being able to think clearly.

in the middle of the warehouse, lay a table. it looked like it had been pulled straight from an operating room, but most worrying was the tools surrounding it, and worst of all, the blood. it was everywhere, a trail led towards the dark corner of the warehouse, and slowly, he stepped forward, fear and adrenaline rushing through him as he went to investigate whatever it was that had caused all this blood, but when he saw it, his heart sank. something- someone, yes, he could just barely make out legs behind the giant wings, sat curled up in the corner. at the sound of his footsteps, the person curled up more, bringing their blood matted wings closer in. their breathing was quick and panicked and barry was so stunned by the sight in front of him, he had no idea what to do.

cautiously, as if he were afraid the injured stranger in front of him might shatter like glass, he knelt down, speaking as quietly and as softly as he could. "i'm not gonna hurt you, i promise" he tried to reassure the other, and it was enough to coax them into peak their face out from behind their once pristine white, now dirty and disheveled wings, their stark white eyes looking up at him with fear. silently, they reached out to point over towards the body that lay feet away, that was most definitely lacking eyes much to barry's dismay. he shook his head though and spoke a gentle "they can't get you now", holding out a hand which the other flinched back at for a moment before they cautiously took it. it was only as they slowly lowered their wings and tried stand that barry could see the extent of their injuries, along with their bareness, enough to make him look away and cover his eyes in both parts awkwardness and inability to handle the pure horror that this person had suffered.

burns, from what he didn't know, though they were frequent across their body, along with the deep purple bruises, all fresh. worst of all though, the slashes that ran down their body where barry could only assume their wings would lay. they were deep and long, from just above their ankle, wrapping around their hips and all the way up to their shoulder blades. no wonder they couldn't stand, barry couldn't even begin to wonder how they hadn't bled out yet, but he knew it would only get worse if he didn't act fast. in both an attempt to keep their modesty and keep them from loosing any more blood he rushed through the warehouse to try and find something to cover them, landing in some sort of fabric, possibly a covering of some sort, and wrapped them in it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2021 ⏰

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