✨ my mental health is fucked up + rant ✨

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my mental health is shit.

lemme put that out there first

on friday, i went to this clinic thing where they interviewed me because i have...


now at first i was gonna lie and shit and say things like im ok and tell them good stuff

y'know, all the things they want to hear

but i had just broke my phone and my sisters had gotten on my nerves so i was pissed asf

and i casually acted as my depressed self

i remember one of the questions was like, "can you name one reason for living?"

and it took me a good 5 whole minutes to come up with something

and that something was "fRieNds aND faMiLy"

so anyways, we finished the interview and starting tomorrow (which is monday for me), im spending 8 hours at the place instead of at school doing things like anger management and stuff for 


 ✨ whole  



i only get an hour to do schoolwork and im pretty sure im not gonna be able to bring my computer (which is were i usually do my wattpad stuff)

and so i prolly wont be active from 7:30 AM to 3:30 PM (4:30 AM to 12:30 PM for you ppl in California, Mexico, Arizona, etc.; you know those places)

however, still comment and dm me and shit plz because i like seeing notifications :)

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