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"look at this!" jungwoo frustratedly exclaimed, pointing to his cheek

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"look at this!" jungwoo frustratedly exclaimed, pointing to his cheek. the door to the small shop flew open with an obnoxiously loud ding that startled the other worker.

sicheng looked up from the tables he was preparing, noticing an angry, red scrape upon his friend's cheekbone.

"that damn cat can't appreciate my efforts. i was hugging her and this is the thanks i get for my love?" he huffed, shrugging off his coat behind the counter. his eyes fluttered shut momentarily as he caught his breath. "thank god it's the weekend, ay?"

sicheng hummed in response, him too lagging after the long week of school. "tell me about it. if today isn't slow, then i might quit. my brain is frazzled after that maths exam," he groaned, wiping down the tables for the long day that would likely follow, even if he had higher hopes.

before jungwoo could reply, the chime of the shop's bell reverberated through the small and cosy shop.

"welcome to the ice-cream parlour. what can i get for you?" he finished wiping down the table before looking up to see who had entered the shop. his small frown was tugged upwards into a welcoming smile at the sight of the gorgeous teen, while a bright blush engulfed his cheeks.

the worker glanced to his friend behind the counter, sending the boy a meek smile, almost pleading for him to take the arrival's order. but jungwoo only shook his head, directing the customer towards sicheng.

"hi there," yuta airily let out, his voice wavering slightly at the sight of the man before him. he followed the other with his gaze, watching as the younger took his place behind the counter.

he saw the blonde jokingly punch his co-worker on the shoulder, scolding him for the situation he placed him in.

"could i order a mint ice-cream please?" the japanese male forced out, ignoring how his throat constricted as his nervousness became apparent. "on a cone."

sicheng nodded wordlessly as he typed the details into the ipad provided before he added the total and charged the shorter. his hands trembled while his eyes drifted to behind the taller's back where jungwoo had casually walked to.

the younger boy acted out motions that could be deemed as less-than-appropriate, causing a rose-pink blush to spread across sicheng's cheeks.

with the aid of his desperate eyes, sicheng attempted to convince the shameless boy to stop his imitations of 'making love' behind the handsome boy's back.

noticing this distress that was evident in the taller's hazel orbs, yuta turned around, almost flinching in surprise, having not seeing jungwoo slink away from behind the counter. his eyes narrowed at the annoyed look that sicheng continued to wear.

"is something wrong?" he quietly questioned, looking between the two boys who stood either side of him, seemingly conversing through facial expressions and their eyes.

"not at all, sir," the brunette insisted, printing a receipt for the costumer while avoiding his confused stare. "i'll get you that ice-cream now."

𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗿𝗿𝘆 𝘀𝗸𝘆; yuwin ᴮᴼᴼᴷ ᵀᵂᴼWhere stories live. Discover now