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"hey sleepyhead

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"hey sleepyhead."

sicheng jolted up on the spot, his eyes wide and frantic as they darted around the room to take in his surroundings. "yuta?" he hoarsely whispered in shock while curling in on himself to find some warmth in the late afternoon. "how long was i out for?"

the said boy glanced to his watch while clicking his tongue. "about three hours, give or take."

"three hours?!" he looked to the window in a desperate hurry, only to see the sun scaling down the walls and fading away. "why didn't you wake me? that means i missed...three classes?!"

"be quiet, would you? we're still in the library," yuta mumbled. the younger didn't seem to notice the position they were in. yuta's arms were looped around the taller's waist. somewhere along the way, he too has fallen to a dreamless sleep.

"wh-what are you even doing here?" he subconsciously relaxed into the older's hold, liking the comfort it provided. there was a...normality to the position, a feeling of 'meant to be' that neither particularly picked up on.

"i came to find you at lunchtime, but you were out cold. i ended up sleeping too though," he explained, his voice deepened thanks to the rest. "are you still on for practice? it starts in five minutes."

sicheng blinked a few times while looking around the empty, quiet library with interest. "yeah...we should head down." even with that being said, the younger nuzzled into yuta's chest, his gentle breaths assuring that he hadn't fallen asleep again, but that he wanted this moment to last.

a chuckle grumbled from beneath his head that was leaning against the other's toned chest. "you're quite adorable, aren't you?"

"i don't know...am i?" the brunette whispered with little energy.

"i think you are."

another moment of silence fell, but this time sicheng fought to keep his eyes open.

yuta stifled a giggle at the boy's ability to sleep anywhere. his lips were curved into a small smile as he helped the younger stand. "come on," he urged, one hand on his back while the other held his wrist. "i can't be late for practice."

the sleepy teen dragged his feet along the floor while wiping the drool from his lips with his free hand. "how do you have the energy to do this most days?" he groaned. he squinted through his bleary eyes while leaning into yuta's touch.

sicheng was a 'clingy tired' to say the least, but the older didn't mind one bit.

instead of replying, yuta led the taller to the door of the library which had been left unlocked. the woman in charge had clearly been gone a while for a light coat of dust that the room seemed prone to acquiring had already settled upon the desk.

the hallways were equally as empty with no noise reaching their ears but their unsynchronised footsteps.

there seemingly was no explanation for the reason why the two boys felt no need to fit the typical teenage approval bracket around each other, but that fate had engineered their paths to cross on that very day, for that very reason. everything happened for a reason.

• • •

"alright boys!" the coach called out to the team, watching as they all turned to him, desperate for a water break. "you can go."

"so, how was the student council meeting?" jaemin asked his boyfriend before chugging back some water. sicheng, on the other hand, hadn't torn his gaze from his sweaty, handsome crush. the sight of the dishevelled boy made his heart flutter wildly.

"eyes off," jungwoo warned from beside him, assuring that his friend wasn't caught looking for too long. "he'll think you're a weirdo."

the chinese scoffed while carding his fingers through his hair and averted his gaze elsewhere smoothly.

"what? you are a weirdo!" the younger exclaimed sharply before looking back to yukhei and yuta who walked side by side.

just as sicheng removed his eyes from yuta, he felt a sudden rush, one that indicated something all too familiar. a vision swap.

the brunette rubbed soothing circles into his temples to ease the sensation. the gorgeous sapphire entwined with sicheng's hazel orbs slowly and steadily as always while the corners of his vision became black...it was all simply fading.

eventually, as he sat motionless in fear of hurting himself in the temporary blindness. his sight returned, but through another's view.

there, before him, sat himself with the blue coloured eyes and a shocked expression.
it couldn't be...could it?

"y-yuta?!" he exclaimed with agitation. his throat constricted and his hands became clammy at the sight of his own body reflecting the shock he felt. how surreal it all felt.

the other seemed to have the same realisation for he was stunned to silence, as were the rest of the group.

the buzzing of their teammates chatting sounded so distant now as their world came to a grinding halt. had sicheng been crushing on his soulmate this whole time?

yuta leaned forward and extended his arm out to touch him, yet was pulled from that state of vision and thrown back to his own body again. the japanese boy blinked away the weird feeling that their link brought, and stumbled forward slightly.

yukhei was quick to lunge forward and assure that the shock mixed with the tiresome swap didn't drain his friend too much.

"guys?" jungwoo whispered carefully, his eyes wide with a clear expression of wonder interwoven with their rich coco brown colour. "does this mean you're soulmates?"

𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗿𝗿𝘆 𝘀𝗸𝘆; yuwin ᴮᴼᴼᴷ ᵀᵂᴼWhere stories live. Discover now