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darkness encompassed the park that yuta sat in

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darkness encompassed the park that yuta sat in. the bench was warm beneath him. he must have been there for hours. so much had happened in such little time, and yuta couldn't seem to catch up with it all.

with a small sigh, he looked up to the glimmering stars that shone down on him so beautifully. the view of these stars was yuta's favourite thing...his saving grace, even.

he could feel it faintly, the flash that is. his once coco eyes became a more sapphire colour, and soon his vision faded before reappearing in the form of a similar sight as before.

the same stars that he watched with adoration appeared through his lover's eyes. the blinding white of the heavenly orbs that freely sat in the sky comforted him.

he felt the warmth of sicheng's hands upon his shoulders. the younger briefly squeezed them, confirming yuta's suspicions. he could feel the others presence anyway.

"they're so pretty, aren't they?" the taller whispered as he watched the stars too.

"yeah," yuta breathlessly agreed, leaning into the comfort that sicheng's touch brought him. "they are. i love watching the stars through your eyes," he continued with a faint, distant hum. "it makes them even more perfect."

a small giggled erupted from behind him, almost startling him as the calm ambience was disrupted. "i was going to say the exact same thing..."

as always, their exchange of vision only lasted a few moments before the blue began to die down to their original, natural colour again. in that time, a pleasant silence settled, leaving the two boys to drift into their busy mind that was filled with thoughts.

eventually, sicheng took his seat beside his soulmate and rested his head on the older's shoulder. yuta leaned over to gently press a kiss onto the younger's cheek.

immediately, a bright blush spread across the chinese boy's cheeks, but it was thankfully hidden by the darkness that went unaided by the dead lamppost above them. "yuta?" he whispered, while nuzzling even further into the shorter. "do you ever wish you could touch the stars?"

the whistling of the wind as it rustled the leaves relaxed both boys as one waited a reply and the other concocted it. "i do. but now i think i've found something better," he mumbled, his hands snaking around the slim boy's waist to tightly hold him. "when i'm with you i can reach the stars."

"you're so cheesy!" sicheng scolded while covering his cheeks with his hands.

"well you better get used to it."

"or you could be super-duper cool," he suggested with a small shrug. he jumped from his spot when yuta threatened him with tickles, and dashed away from the bluette with a hyper grin. the two teased each other lovingly, with adoration entwined in their fading blue orbs.

"come back here, you rascal!"

"catch me if you can!"

and so, the couple ran through the fields of the park, their figures illuminated by the starry sky...

• • •

the end...

𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗿𝗿𝘆 𝘀𝗸𝘆; yuwin ᴮᴼᴼᴷ ᵀᵂᴼWhere stories live. Discover now