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the sun slipped beneath the high-rise buildings in no time, leaving the parting teens beneath the flickering street lamps

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the sun slipped beneath the high-rise buildings in no time, leaving the parting teens beneath the flickering street lamps.

jungwoo had locked up the shop after ushering the group out. thankfully, he and yukhei lived only a street apart and only a few from mark and jaemin. the four boys bid goodbye before separating away from sicheng and yuta who stood in silence momentarily.

"i know we live quite a distance from each other, but i would feel so guilty if anything happened to you. the shop doesn't usually close this late, am i right?"

the younger nodded meekly. he didn't really want to walk home alone this late either.

"may i walk you home?"

again, he quickly nodded while sending the shorter a quick and nervous grin. "i would actually really like that, thanks."

with nothing more said, sicheng's crush led the way, even though he wasn't completely sure where he was going. luckily, the younger jogged to catch up to him, saving him from the embarrassment of confidently going the wrong way.

"so, how are you finding school with this being our final year and all?" the older quietly let out, listening to how his voice rung through the oddly silent air.

"this is my second year here actually. i guess it's a bummer to be back at school after such a nice summer, but it's not the worst, y'know?" although he was usually quite an anxious person, sicheng found himself relaxed by yuta's presence. uncannily relaxed...

"i remember you transferring, but i think we've come across each other more times in the past few days than ever before." his hands were buried in his pockets as the autumn chill rushed through the air. they had been sweltering only hours prior, but the light of the moon held no warmth whatsoever. "i guess we have something in common; our friends. i didn't know that you were acquainted with mark and jaemin."

"i wouldn't be surprised if they're the reason the parlour stays open. they literally come by everyday," he explained with a fond smile. "they're both lovely boys, and they're so lucky on top of that," he continued. "they have the same interests. i hope that my soulmate's like that."

yuta hummed quietly, a grin adorning his face as he thought of his two idiotic friends and their beautiful love. "as long as my soulmate supports me in my career choices."

"and what might our basketball star want to do after school?"

"well first i want to travel the world and meet different people who don't think the same way as i do. for work? i guess i've had my heart set on being a coach since i was little. i love the idea of being in the background and building-up other people's confidence and success." he glanced over to sicheng who nodded understandingly.

a moment of silence settled, but not for too long. it seemed they both had a lot more similarities than either had expected. "i actually really want to be a physiotherapist. it might sound weird since i have very little to do with sports but i just clicked with it when my cousin became one. it sounded like everything i wanted to do," he gushed excitedly while becoming quite animated with his goals.

yuta couldn't stop his heart from skipping a beat at these words as an overwhelming exhilaration rushed through his veins. they were relating to something they hadn't mentioned to others before.

"i want to go to europe." sicheng's hands waved around with the in-depth descriptions of what he planned for the life ahead him. "and africa."

"when i'm older, i want to live in the countryside in a farmhouse," the older bluette added in as the image he had quietly concocted came spilling out.

"me too! there would be chickens and a miniature pony who lived in the field out the back."

"what about a garden of lovely flowers and plants by the deck?"

"and we could even get a dog...a sheepdog that will be so smart and loyal and will protect the house!" the taller exclaimed with so much enthusiasm that his accent began to slip.

"we could commute into work in a black jeep that we'll probably need to clean daily thanks to the amount of mud on those backroads," the japanese boy sighed, looking up to the stunning sight of the stars sparkling in the sky.

neither seems to had noticed how 'i' became 'we' in such a quick time. both were so occupied by the fact that they found another person who thought so similarly to themselves.

some may call it soulmate behaviour.

"all i'm saying is if my soulmate doesn't think like that," yuta whispered, the excitement dying down all over again. "then i don't know if fate is right."

in no time, they were walking up the younger's street after walking for almost ten minutes.

"well," the brunette muttered as he turned to face the shorter. "will i see you at school tomorrow?"

"of course."

all sicheng could think of as he walked to the freshly painted red door was how much fun he'd had while describing his dream with yuta.

he could feel the colour coming to his cheeks as he opened his front door. maybe the handsome boy had more to him than he had cared to believe...

𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗿𝗿𝘆 𝘀𝗸𝘆; yuwin ᴮᴼᴼᴷ ᵀᵂᴼWhere stories live. Discover now