The First Meeting

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It was October 3, 2018 Saturday it's around 5-6pm when someone pop up in my notification, someone added me on facebook. I immediately accepted the friend request after stalking his timeline. At first i thought it was a poser account, But i am so lonely that time and i needed someone to talk to, so i accepted the friend request. I knew that time it was a temporary person coming in my life again. So we chatted, we talked and talked i was on my way home that time from our project site. Until he asked me if we can have a Video Call and then i agreed because i knew it was only a call but he asked me to meet on Sunday, October 4,2018. He said that on the dawn he will be back on Manila for his work. So i accepted his invitation and we met. He was so gentleman, it was natural on me getting my hand sweat and my face so he offered his handkerchief a blue handkerchief. We go on the church and suddenly my stomach got hungry so i asked him if we can go on Mcdo. He said yes, we ate at Mcdo in CSI LUCAO after that he ask me to go on the Videoke Booth we sang and sang until we got tired and sat on a food court. He ask me on taking a selfie. He was so cool that time. After a long afternoon of meeting.

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