A Moments Together

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Until we traveled together back home. and we traveled back to work. We spend out first Christmas together it was full of love. After a 2months i struggled on my work and i had to find another work. He helped me until i found a Job i was struggled again because it was a toxic environment. And while waiting his sister announced that she's going home from Hawaii he asked me to join them while his sister was here i agreed we spent our first vacation together. We visited Baguio together with his family. And until i need to go home and when i came back to their house suddenly something happened it was the moment full of loved around us. At dawn we need to travel and take our first vacation together with his family we Swim on the Beach, Falls and Underground Cave of Bolinao. The time and days passed we need to go back on Manila for his work and for me to fixed things. Suddenly i received a call from HR i've got a Job Interview on MDBI and luckily i got entered. They announced to get tea my requirements while i fixing my files we need to accompanied his sister going back to Hawaii, after his sister entered the departure area we ride on the van rented by his parents. He cried and cried on my chest because he loves his sister so much and he don't want to see her going away again. I calmed him and fell asleep. Days passed we backed to Manila for work again and it was my first day at work! and i already found a new place to lived in. On the same building where they rented their Condo Unit.

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