The Sweetness on the 2nd Meeting

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He go back to work but it is not the end of the story we had out second meet he always brought me a M AND M's and a kisses Chocolates. He was enjoying my company. Until i decided to work on Manila too. He was the first guy that accompanied me during the time i was working on Qc. We become best of friends. We always meeting on Sundays. We ride on a MOA's Eye a Giant Fairyswheel. We got our photo's together that day was so romantic and he's so clingy that day he always hugging me even there's a lot of people around us. We enjoying each other's company.  Until one day he need to spend a night anywhere because he has a problem in his apartment and his friends already traveled from Manila to the Province so he has nowhere else to go so i approached him to go in my place. We ate at Burger King first and then he invited me to have a drink in New City Restaurant. He is the only one who drink San Mig Light by the way i am the one drinking iced tea. We chatted and chatted until he got drunk so i can't let him go home in that situation so i asked him if he can check in  on the nearest hotel in my place. It's Oyo Hotel. He asked me to accompanied him because his afraid to be alone so i agreed. I sat on the chair with the table infront and he was taking a shower. After taking a shower he sat on the edge of the bed and he's lying on the bed suddenly he realized i am on the table he asked me to lay beside him. At first i don't want. But he insisted so i lay beside him. When the lights off he grab my waist and started to kissed me passionately i feel his soft lips on mine. After that happened when i woke up he cuddled me. His arms around me hugging me so tight. And something happened. He said " I LOVE YOU SO MUCH " it was the day that we started dating November 30, 2018 a memorable day of my life.

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