The Coldness and Bond

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and i saw him talking to his parents crying. He hugged me so tight. He asked me to moved in their unit to take care of me. So i moved. Hours turns into Days, Days into Weeks, Weeks into Months. We already knew the gender of our baby and it was a boy. He was so happy. He always listen on my stomach. Until we got a clip of the heartbeats on our Baby Khaleb. He was so happy. His very happy. And we got a call from my parents we need to have a family gathering. And it is stressing me out. A month after i had a miscarriage on our little Khaleb. It was so painful moment in our life. But still he never leave my side. Even i always cried at night because for me  it was my fault. After 4months we experienced Pandemic while everyone stays on the house and have a Work from Home. We took care of each other while we're on Condo. After a 4months of lockdown we decided to go home. I spent my 14days of quarantine on their home. But unluckily his mother don't want me to stay there so i decided to go home. After 1month we had a fight because of our situation togetherness we got 3days of not talking to each other. and we fixed it. We met if it is convenient to him.

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