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Having nowhere else to be or go, Hyewon finds herself at home, like a usual Saturday, not having anything to do. Not even her roommates aren't talking to her, Yujin is probably out somewhere being an irresponsible child, and Yena is home, but in her room with her girlfriend Yuri, and lastly, Chaeyeon, she left long ago, she now lives with her wife Sakura, leaving Hyewon to be the single pringle in the group.

Hyewon sighs, fiddling with the hem of her hoodie, she finally gets up, heading for her car keys after hearing one more thud being heard from Yena's room. "I can't ever get a peace weekend.."

Having no plan to where she was going, she finally agreed to herself to go to a convenience store a couple blocks away from her home (after all she's the one who pays rent). Arriving at the convenience store, her hands trailing down all the store items to find what she needed.

"Cup of noodles, bottle of Soju, and cup of jelly" Hyewon mumbles one last time, scanning all the items in her cart before heading over to the register.

"I.D please" The clerk asked, Hyewon nodded, taking out her wallet to find her I.D.

"Here it is" Hyewon hands over the card along with the cash she needed to pay. Once everything was settled, she walked outside, sitting down at a table that was placed outside.

As Hyewon sits down, she opens the wrapper of noodles, stirring the noodles with her chopsticks, feeling someone's presence in front of her, looking up to see a woman in maybe around her 20's looking at her.

"Lonely?" the woman asked, Hyewon looked up at her with a completely confused look, the woman noticed it and sat down right in the chair in front of Hyewon.

"Kwon Eunbi, teacher and private detective" the petite girl responded, her name now being Eunbi.

"The name's Kang Hyewon, photographer" Hyewon introduced herself, pouring some of the Soju in a cup, Eunbi takes out her food, now starting to eat.

"So what's the occasion?" Eunbi asked, seeing Hyewon chug the liquid in her cup.

"Nothing much..just loneliness" Hyewon responded, placing her hand on her temple, rubbing it slowly.

"Wait, I'm sorry, I have to go, one of my friends needs my help" Eunbi quickly gets up, picking up her bag of food, before she could sprint away she looks back at Hyewon, waving at her goodbye.

"Hope to see you again" Hyewon spoke, Eunbi nodded and gave her a small grin.

"I hope to see you again too"

"Dammit I should've asked for her number.." Hyewon cursed under her breath, now she just sat there in front of the convenience store, eating and drinking alone.

Meanwhile, Eunbi was running as fast as she could back home, getting a text from one of her closest friends, it seemed to be an emergency, so now she was really worried.

"Wonyoungie, are you okay?!" Eunbi asked worriedly, Wonyoung looks at her as she closes the freezer.

"There's no mint choco in the fridge.."

"We tried calling Hiichan but she said she's not bringing us our "monstrosity"" Nako commented, still pouting about her girlfriend rejecting her.

"I bought some incase.." Eunbi raises the bag that she was holding, both younger girls ran over to her, both grabbing their ice creams and flopping back on the couch together.

"Bread." Hitomi pops out of nowhere, jump scaring Eunbi as she sees the japanese with an extended arm, signaling to hand her bread over.

"Where did you come from?" Eunbi asked, handing over Hitomi's bread.

"Japan" Hitomi responded simply as she went to sit down on the couch with the other two girls, laying her head on Nako's lap.

"Eunbi unnie!" Wonyoung calls out once again, getting Eunbi's attention to stop walking.

"Yes?" Eunbi asked, raising her eyebrows as she waited for a response.

"Yujin invited me to an opening ceremony of her friend's photography company, she said to take all of you, she'll pick us up tomorrow night to go" Wonyoung explained, to which Eunbi nodded and smiled.

"Alright, do you guys have something to wear tomorrow?" Eunbi asked, to which an answer of all of them nodded as a response.

"Yeah, do you?" Nako asked, earning a hum from Eunbi as a response.

"I'll see what to wear" Eunbi answered, now heading towards her room.

"Goodnight unnie" all the girls bid their goodbye, now only responded with a door closing.

Eunbi flops down on her bed, staring at the ceiling, with no thought exactly, just simply slowly draining her energy as she tries to fall asleep. Even if she didn't talk to that Kang Hyewon girl, now she's thinking about her, she wanted to see her again, at least one more time.

Next Morning

"Eunbi unnie!! You are going to be late for classes!!" Nako jumps on Eunbi's bed, trying to wake up Eunbi, realizing it was 30 minutes before class started.

"What? I don't go to school.." Eunbi mumbles, rubbing her eyes as she sits up to check her clock.

The two girls sat in silence for a couple seconds, Nako blinked multiple times as she stared at her older sister.


"I'm the teacher?!" Eunbi exclaims, pushing Nako off the bed, Hitomi who was entering the room was able to catch Nako who was about to hit the floor of how hard Eunbi had pushed her.

"I'm going to be late!" A shout could be heard from the bathroom where Eunbi had already ran into.

"I'll be here for your last days if unnie is late, babe" Hitomi lets Nako go, making the older girl fall onto the floor. Nako immediatly stands up and walks behind Hitomi.

Meanwhile, Eunbi quickly cleaned her face, brushed her teeth as fast as she could almost making her gums bleed, leaving the bathroom she took out a pair of ripped jeans with a simple white shirt, changing her clothes quickly before grabbing her shoes, because f how fast she was going she kept messing up to tie her shoes, finally she gets her shoes tied

"Unnie! Here is some toast!" Wonyoung calls out holding a toast with jam for Eunbi.

"Thank you, Wonnie" Eunbi quickly took the toast from Wonyoung, shoving it in her own mouth before running out the door.

"She's going to be okay, right?" Wonyoung asked the two older girls who were staring at the door that Eunbi could have possibly broke off how hard she slammed the door.


Eunbi placed her bike in front of the school, locking it in place, putting the key in her purse as she now walked inside the school, hearing the distant disaster in her classroom, she opened the door just to see what she expected.

Class 7B, the most disastrous class in the whole school, Eunbi had it tough with these students, since they never did the work they needed to do, and it was a disaster either way but Eunbi is still nice enough to go easy on them.

"Everyone sit down please.." Eunbi says in a soft voice, no one could hear her because everyone was being loud and jumping around the whole place.

"Class is starting now, quiet!" Eunbi shouts, now getting everyone's attention.

"Yes, Ms. Kwon~" All the students responded, mixed with a teasing voice, Eunbi takes out her books.

"Who did the homework?" Eunbi asked the whole class, to which no one raised their hand, this was going to be a long day.

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