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Being woken up by the strong sun rays, Hyewon rubs her nose on Eunbi’s shoulder as in a meaning to say good morning or to just wake her up.

“Good morning,” Hyewon hummed, sending a smooth vibration to Eunbi. Waking her up from her deep slumber.

“Hm..good morning,”

“About last night-” Hyewon was about to mention when she was cut of by Eunbi.

“My answer is the same either way, I can tell what I said yesterday and how it led to this.” Eunbi giggled as she looked at the younger, giving her a kiss on the cheek as she was about to kiss her lips when someone entered the room.

“Did someone order- AH!” A voice exclaimed, the said person almost dropped the tray of food as she saw the two girls on the bed naked.

“AH!” Hyewon and Eunbi quickly cover themselves in the same blanket as they saw Wonyoung standing there with shaky hands.

“My precious eyes!” Wonyoung exclaimed as she felt like she just wanted to unsee.

“Wonyoungie..ehe,” Eunbi laughs nervously as she tugged on the blanket more, Wonyoung looks over at Hyewon who was blushing in embarrassment.

“I said date my sister not...ugh!” Wonyoung stomped her feet as she abruptly assumed what had just happened.

“I made some food and I was going to make you a breakfast in bed but i guess we have company,” Wonyoung places the tray in front of them, being extremely careful to not touch any part of the bed (she certainly did not want to touch the unholiness that had happened) 

“Aren’t you supposed to be at the beach?”

“Aren’t you supposed to be at work?” Wonyoung asked, referring to Hyewon who was taking a sip of the orange juice.

“And no, the beach thing was a lie. I just wanted to have an excuse to sleep over at Yujin’s.” Wonyoung confessed, Eunbi raised her eyebrow but before she could scold the girl, Wonyoung left the two alone.

“Should I go…?” Hyewon asked, as she was scared she was going to be late to work, Eunbi shakes her head and 

“Stay to eat and then go to work,”


“Wait!” Eunbi stopped her from going anywhere, Hyewon looks over at her and Eunbi walks over to her and tightens up her tie for Hyewon to head over to work.

“I might need to get used to this if we end up getting married.” Hyewon joked as she swiftly gave a peck on Eunbi’s lips.

“We only started dating last night and you’re already thinking about marriage?” Eunbi joked back, Hyewon just chuckles in response to the joke.

“I promise after work we can take a night drive to seal the deal,” Hyewon promised, making Eunbi smile in response.

“I would love that, I’ll be at home like always, love you.” 


“I need to tell Nakochan about this~” Eunbi jumped around in excitement


“I can tell,”

“You walk a penguin and the makeup doesn’t cover it,” 

“Thanks for making me feel better.” Eunbi said sarcastically with a fake smile after hearing the two statements of the japanese couple.

“Nakochan…” Eunbi called out for, the said girl looks at her sister confusedly.


“I see something on your neck you should’ve covered too.” Eunbi winked as she also saw a small red patch on her sister’s neck. Nako parondaly touches her neck and realizes she has completely forgotten.

“In all seriousness, I’m happy for you two and I could just give you guys my best wishes.” Hitomi gave her a warm smile as Nako laughed nervously (still being paranoid about that stupid hickey Hii had left from a couple minutes ago) and nodded in her head in agreement.

“In that case..take a cactus as a uh..wedding gift,” Nako stood up and took a cactus from the coffee table and handed it to Eunbi.


The only thing heard was the smooth sound of a car driving through the road and a soft sound of the radio playing. Heading to their spot, their comfort spot where they first got to know each other. Not having to worry about anything, no bad students, no work stress, no annoying little sisters, just no nothing. 

Finally, arriving one mile away from their destination, Hyewon took out a blindfold from her purse, handing it to Eunbi, guiding her to put it on.

“God..what now?” Eunbi asked, Hyewon laughed as she saw the confusion on the rest of Eunbi’s expression even though she couldn’t see her eyes.

“A maybe told Yujin and Yena to help prepare this surprise for our first official date as girlfriends” her voice sounded determined and proud of the result of it.

“This isn’t birdbox y’know.” Eunbi jokes, making Hyewon let out a small laugh as she guides Eunbi to where the small picnic set up was.

“Here it is~” Hyewon cooed, removing the blindfold, Eunbi’s mouth was agape as she did not expect that surprise.

“This..may be my ideal date and you're the most ideal person for it..” Eunbi smiled as she saw the view of the city and back onto the small picnic set.

“Come on sit down,” Hyewon guided, as the two were sitting down crossed legged as Hyewon took out some still surprisingly warm food. 

Hyewon stops looking at what she’s doing and focuses on the features of Eunbi’s face as Eunbi was reaching to start eating.

“Look!” Hyewon exclaimed as she spotted a loose eyelash below Eunbi’s eyes, Eunbi was about to remove it but Hyewon took it instead.

“Make a wish then blow it,” Hyewon ordered, as she kept the eye lash in the tip of her finger.

“I hope us can last forever..” 


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