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Waking up in the morning, knowing that today Hyewon had to go teach a class at 8:30 and it was already 8:10, Hyewon was pretty mindless about this and took her time to get ready.

Leaving her apartment with a cup of coffee in her hand and a little bag for books and some other useless things, she remembers one more thing, causing her to enter her apartment again.

She entered her bedroom where there was a box under the bed to reveal a paint gun.

"This will be necessary.." Hyewon mumbles, placing the paint gun in her bag and covering the barrel that was sticking out with a piece of cloth.

Now being able to leave in confidence, now being inside her car, on her way to the school Eunbi taught. Arriving at the school, Hyewon parks her car in front of all the bikes, with one more movement of her car all the bikes fall down like if it were dominos, before getting out of the car she puts two cups of “soda” in her bag and her glasses on.

Passing by the kids who were laughing at the bikes that had fallen, finally she arrives in front of the said classroom 7B, opening the door and she was greeted to what she expected.

The students being loud and throwing papers around the classroom, Hyewon places her bag down on the desk as she counts how many students were there, and how many Eunbi told her how much they were.

“Where’s the others?” Hyewon asked, as she looked back at the clock and it was 5 minutes into class.

“Maybe in the courtyard.” a girl responded before continuing to talk to her friend. Hyewon takes off her glasses before walking over to the window.

“Hey! Class is starting!” Hyewon shouted to the four students standing outside, they all laugh as they continued to ignore her.

Hyewon lets out a scoff before walking back to her bag and taking out the paint gun, getting everyone’s attention from the room as they see her head over to the window.

Aiming perfectly, a red paint spot aims on the blonde girl’s hair, the brown haired girl looks over at Hyewon before she sees a blue paint mark on the top of her chest.

“That girl is crazy..” the blonde spoke before quickly grabbing her things along with her friend and running towards the school.

Meanwhile the two dudes looked at each other before starting to run away from the school, or that’s what they thought, Hyewon aimed at the back of the shorter guy’s leg before leaving a green paint spot, taking him down.

Hyewon shoots a yellow-ish spot on the last guy who was trying to get away as he climbed the fence, now also making him fall down.


Hyewon slaps her newspaper on a student’s desk as now all students were quiet.

“It’s now time to see who actually is the boss here.” Hyewon spoke, walking around the classroom.

“What now...we didn’t do the homework.” the blonde haired student said before letting out a silent sob.

“I don’t give a fuck about that,” Hyewon admitted as she sat on the teacher’s the desk.

“Here’s the deal, you guys are the stupidest people in this school.” Hyewon told, making everyone let out a silent gasp as what they heard from her.

“You all are a bunch of losers and everyone knows that, so I can do whatever I crave.” Hyewon clapped her hands together as she mocked them with a warm smile.

“And right now I crave silence, so you guys shut up and don’t move until class is over.” Hyewon warned, grabbing her newspaper.

“Is that clear?” Hyewon asked, when no answers she asked again but louder until everyone responded.


“Sorry, do you have chalk?” Eunbi asked as she peaked her head through the door, Hyewon gave her a nod as she pointed to the chalkboard.

“Hye, one of your students is crying.” Eunbi commented as she saw the blonde haired girl sobbing in her seat.

“Ah right..sorry.” Hyewon apologized putting her newspaper down as she looked at the students.

“Aeri.” Hyewon called out, Aeri looked at her with a slight fear in her expression.


“Cry quieter.” Hyewon smiled warmly before continuing to read the newspaper, Eunbi looked at her shocked.

“Why does she look traumatized..? And what’s the red paint?” asked Eunbi, just so confused by the situation she walked into.

“They were painting with their fingers..” Hyewon lied, as she continued to mind her business. Eunbi sighed as she walked over to the door to leave but stopped her tracks when a delivery man entered the room.

“Someone bought pizza?” he asked, Hyewon nodded and stood up to receive it.

“Pizza is here.” Hyewon clapped her hands excitedly before paying the man and pushing him and Eunbi out and closing the classroom door, leaving the two people who just got kicked out confused.

After school

Finishing the school, Hyewon quickly goes over to the wall she directed Eunbi to last night, smiling as she saw the flower.

“That’s my strong bold.” writing on the side of the wall, Hyewon smiles as she continues by making a big green stroke on the bottom of the flower.

Hyewon grabs another spray bottle before making details on that green stroke before writing something on the bottom of Eunbi’s text.

“A flower? Something I've never seen before as someone’s strong bold..”


Eunbi puts her bags on the floor before heading over to the table where Nako and Wonyoung were eating rice with chicken while listening to the television.

“How was work?” Wonyoung asked as she handed Eunbi a plate of rice and chicken. Eunbi let out a chuckle as she sat next to the girl’s.


“How was Hyewon on her first day?” Nako commented as she wondered how did it go, Eunbi shrugged as she started to eat.

“No comment.”

“I bet she was nice to them.” Wonyoung complimented, to which Eunbi shook her head in disapproval. 

“I think I’ve never seen her like that before, she was the opposite of nice..but she made them go silent..which is rare.” Eunbi explained, Nako let out a hum as she raised an eyebrow as the two heard the explanation.

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