4- Roommate

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"Mingyu hyu- what the hell?!"

Seungkwan forgot to inform where Mingyu's test will be held so he went to his dorm but he was met with an unexpected sight that shocked him.

"Well explain." He motioned the two boys sitting awkwardly to explain the scene from the before.


As soon as Mingyu twisted the doorknob he was met with a wet towel thrown towards him, smacking his face. He was late to dodged it because he let his guard down and was thinking about how will the meet with his roommate be.

"Who are you?!" The guy who threw the towel at him asked. 'Wonu or something i guess???'

(A/N: ' is used for quoting the thoughts and " is used for dialogues)

"Yah! Who are you? And what are you doing in my roo- oooommm....Aaaaahhhh!!!!


Wonwoo tripped on the floor which was wet caused by the water dripping from the his hair. He closed his eyes, ready to meet the floor but surprisingly he didn't. Instead of meeting with the cold hard floor, he was met with something which was hard but not as hard as the floor because it was also soft at the same time. A pained groan was heard and it dawned upon him that why was the floor soft? It's because he fell on top of Mingyu.

Mingyu was about to speak up but then suddenly the door flew opened revealing Seungkwan with a shocked face accompanied with 'What the hell?!' that even shocked both guys on the floor at the sudden intrusion.

*end of flashback*

"So it's like that. Is it really true?" Seungkwan asked with the intention to tease his hyungs.

"Yah Boo Seungkwan! What do you mean? You doubt me?" Asked Wonwoo with a red face either because he was angry at Seungkwan for doubting him or he was really embarrassed that he was seen in that position with a guy whom he just met which the latter turned out to be a new student and his roommate.

"I don't doubt you hyung, i just wanted to see your reaction." Seungkwan laughed satisfied at the reaction he got from Wonwoo.

"Actually, my purpose of coming here is to tell you the location for your tes- eh what's this time?" They noticed a paper starting to appear which Seungkwan grabbed it and read it's contents.

"What does it say Kwan?" Wonwoo asked. Seungkwan turn to look at Mingyu and said,"Oh well- The headmaster cancelled the test and instead allowed you to directly attend classes like everyone else."

"Eh? How could that be? Usually students who came a month late after the opening class are asked to take a test but why did the headmaster excuse him? Isn't that unfair? Is he special or something?" Wonwoo said with a really cold voice and emphasised the word special which he managed to make Mingyu angry, not liking how he was treated.

"Hey! How would i know about it? And I'm not special, i'm just a normal Vampire who happened to stumble here and the Headmaster took me in. Also if you think i'm from a rich or a reputed family, i'm not. I don't even have a family to begin with." Mingyu snapped after hearing Wonwoo's comment. At beginning, he seem to have accepted Wonwoo but after hearing those words from him, he seem to dislike him and dismissed the thought to getting along with him.

For a few minutes no one spoke and the atmosphere became so quite that if you pay attention, you can even hear the sound of the wind. Seungkwan who observed the two Vampires with domineering aura with such atmosphere sighed and chose to leave the two roommates. He prepared to leave and bid them goodbye, not forgetting to remind both of them to get along.

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