Season 3 E 7

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Blake POV
"See you after school ok?" I tell Renae and she looks at me worried.
"Ok. Love you." Renae Says hugging me. I hug her tight.
"I'm gonna be ok princess." I tell her stroking her hair she nods and  rushes  in the school building. Craig walks up with flare.
"We'll talk later ok?" I say to Flare and flare kisses my cheek.
"Be careful ok SueNo." She Says and I smile at her.
"I'm always careful Angel. Don't worry about me . Remember your homework is in the blue binder!" I shout while she rushes to catch up with ren.
"Thanks babe! See ya!" Flare waves.
"See ya later big brother!!" Renae Shouts waving.
"See ya sis." The two disappear in the crowd of people and I look at Blake.
"Well Blake..... ready?"
"Ready is the last thing I'm thinking right now." Blake Says glumly. Aww he misses her already. You know I never thought that man could love anyone as much as he loved Ren.
"Ren OMG I have something to tell you!" Flare says excited and I smile at her because OMG I had something to tell her too.
"I do too! You go first."
"Ok well me and Craig kinda....... Did the nasty." Flare says shyly.
"OMG YOU WHAT?!" I ask shocked because flare does seem like the fast type but she'd never do that unless she genuinely cared and loved this person. OMG I'm happy for her .
"Yeah and I must say it hurts a little."
"Omg I agree. " I say and she pauses and looks at me.
"RENAE WINTERGARDEN! YOU DID IT?!" Flare shouts shocked and I nod and we both Started talking about it and we both felt happy and excited.
"Well well isn't it Renae WINTERGARDEN!" I look up and it's blossom Diamondheart. The most rich snobby jealous girl ever. I roll my eyes and flare holds her head down.
"Flare why do you talk to this trash?!" Blossom scolds her little sister. " I guess your trash too. " Blossom whispers and her groupies start laughing. I get up and flare stops me.
"Just let it go Ren." Flare says. I let it go but still I Wanted to see her nose bleeding from my iron fist.
"See ya at home sis." Blossom walks away and I look at flare.
"Why did you have to grow up with that?"
"I guess God is punishing me for how I treated you." Flare does a miserable pout.
"Hey ...he blessed you with me. I'm your sister." I comfort her and she smiles.
"Thanks Ren I needed that. Besides.... blossom is just a half sister."
"Doesn't matter if she's half she's still your sister and it sucks she treats you like that... you tell Craig about her?" I ask Flare. Flare shrugs. I look at her worried.
"You can't hide that from him."
"Let's go to class ok." Flare ignores me and rushes to class and I follow her.
I walk in the cafeteria with flare and there was Craig and Blake.
"Flare look!" I say cheering her up. She light's up as we Rush TOWARDS them.
"Hi guys." We both hug our lovers. We four sit at our table.. flare is cuddling with Craig and I must say they're the cutest couple Ever.
"So Charming what were you upto Today?" I ask Blake.
"Well me and Craig are trying to get out of the Ace's." Flare and I get real silent and look at them.
"Isn't that dangerous?"
"Yeah don't you have to die for that?" Flare and I say and Craig and Blake look at EACH other and say nothing.
"Well.... technically we just have to get a severer ass wooping before we go." Craig says and flare looks at Him worried.
"You guy's can't." I tell Blake worried and holding his hand.
"It's not your choice Ren. It's ours." Blake Says serious and I say nothing afterwards because.... what can I do?
"Well I'm coming with you?" I say to Him.
"Yeah me too!" Flare chimes in and Craig holds flares hand.
"Baby that's sweet but I don't think you can watch me go through that."  Craig says and flare groans. I get upset as well.
"Blake..... darling." I say hugging him he pulls away.
"Your not coming."
"But....." I say .
"WHAT DID I SAY?!" Blake shouts and I jump and I get quiet and flare and I have our heads down. Craig bangs his fist on the table.
"Look can we just have a normal conversation damn." Craig says irritated.
"I got an A on my English test." Flare says breaking the silence.
"That's great Angel."
"Well um....I have a science project." I say shyly.
"What's it about?" Blake asks without looking at me feeling bad he yelled at me. I slide closer to Him.
"Well I have to disect a frog." I say unexcited.
"Oh need help?"
"Yeah cus I can't Kill the prescious thing!!" I say feeling sorry for the frog I have to kill.
"Aww Ren it'll be ok. It's Very easy. Just cut it in half!" Craig says.
"THAT DOESN'T HELP!" I shout worried for the frog. I'm sorry all the frogs family. Blake takes my hand.
"Come on let's go do this project."
"Can you cut it for me?" I ask him with puppy dog eyes.
"Cute. But not enough to get me to do your job for you." Blake says laughing at me.
"Aw maàaaannnn!!" I say feeling defeated. N

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