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(っ◔︣◡◔᷅)っ ♡

𝟹:𝟷𝟸 ᴘᴍ

❧ "Connie this is kidnapping," you blurted out as you closed his car with your hip. You slung your backpack over your shoulder and held your new book that Connie promised to buy for you.

"It's not kidnapping if you agreed," Connie responded to your comment, tossing his keys from hand to hand before pointing at you. You rolled your eyes at the point he made and walked up the steps, watching him unlock his front door.

After leaving Barnes and Nobles, which was 45 minutes ago, Connie pleaded for you to hang out at his place for the time being of your parents and your brother Jalen for not being home. You hesitated to go with him at first but gave in at his puppy dog face that you found annoying but so cute at the same time.

You stepped into Connie's house and kicked off your converse chucks, examining how much cleaner his living room and kitchen was than the last time you came here. Your nostrils caught a whiff of the fresh smell of lavender febreeze as you walked further into his home.

"Uh we're not staying up here," Connie interrupted your further steps towards his living room as he hopped on one foot before tossing his same chucks to the side, "We're going to the man cave!"

"Man cave?" you repeated his sentence as you clenched your backpack strap with your hand. Connie hummed that what he said was clear and turned the doorknob, revealing the carpeted stairs behind the door.

After motioning his hand for you to start walking down the stairs, Connie followed behind you and watched your hand brush down the top of your head to keep any frizzes from standing up.

"YO!" Connie's hollering caused you to yelp quietly. He leaned his head forward, smiling at his two friends that were seated on the couch. You stepped off the last step and turned your head to catch Eren and Jean gazing at you.

Your lips parted open a bit after remembering that Jean was Connie's roommate, based on what Amoura has told you. Your eyes scanned Connie's basement, noticing the skateboards that were on his walls alongside different framed posters.

"AYO!" Eren exclaimed excitedly as he sprung up in his feet and opened his arms out, later pointing at you with his controller. You scratched behind your ear, feeling your cheeks warm up about how obnoxious Eren's greeting was to you.

"Hi?" your tone sounded unsure about greeting him. Eren nodded and plopped back onto the couch to look back at the television screen.

All the things you thought a man cave would, Connie had them all. The couch, the tv, the mini fridge, bean bags, he even had a pac man arcade game and so much more.

"1200 square feet," you said to yourself as you made a 360 turn while walking further into Connie's basement. You pressed your lips together, realizing that the three boys heard you talking to yourself, making calculations in your brain.

"What?" Connie skipped and jumped down three steps before standing in front of you. You whipped your head back and blinked at Connie that he was able to hear you.

"Oh your basement, it's uh 1200 square feet," you told him while nodding at him. It was easy for you to calculate things just by looking at it. Connie often forgets how easily your brain functioned when it came to calculating things. Your brain was big enough to do those kind of stuff.

"Woah how'd you figure that out mega mind?" Jean grabbed a handful of his hot chester fries before eating some from his hand. Eren had his feet up in the coffee table, his thumbs aggressively moving across the controller.

「𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐭𝐥𝐞𝐝」𝘤. 𝘴𝘱𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now