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(っ◔︣◡◔᷅)っ ♡

❧ the theme music of the game "clash of clans" was the main thing you could hear in the quiet, deserted waiting room. you're probably wondering why you were in a waiting room with connie all cuddled up in your arms beside you and Mateo bouncing his leg annoyingly.

it's all because of eren and his, "dumbass wisdom tooth," a grumble from Mateo rung in your ear making you turn your head to watch him slouch in his seat beside you. seeing Mateo annoyed about having to play parent for eren made you giggle a little because he really did not want to be here.

"man...he gon' gimme a whole headache once we get outta hea. I know that for a fact," Mateo muttered as he scratched his head, his fingers accidentally getting caught up in his frizzed up curls that he settled to grow out.

as he moved his hips upwards to pull his phone out of his back pocket, your attention was stripped away from that to connie who threw a quick tantrum about doing something wrong in his game.

you winced that his tantrum made his head hit your boob and he realized when he heard you, "oh- sorry baby," connie apologized and patted your boob gently to comfort away the pain. he whispered and let out breathy laughs that it was okay and closed your eyes when he rested his head right back on your boob.

you began massaging your fingers against his head, feeling the grown out tips of his buzzcut. besides you and connie, Mateo was the extremely antsy one about leaving.

he was at his crib, chilling and watching the bachelor's, yes the bachelor's until he received a call from connie who was reminding him about eren's appointment.  what made Mateo celebrate and spring out of his seat was seeing the dentist walking into the waiting room.

"he's all set and ready to go," the dentist said with a reassuring nod. you looked up and snickered softly when you saw eren looking completely gone. his eyes were half-lidded with his hand massaging his jaw which indicated the amount of pain he was in.

connie slowly lifted his head off of you and looked at eren with his eyes widened, "dude," connie said and then bursted into laughter with Mateo who was also peeping how gone eren looked.

mateo gestured for connie to help eren sit down while he booked another appointment for eren to be checked for another time. as connie got up to help eren, connie's eyebrows furrowed while blinking cluelessly at eren after he hissed at him.

"the fuck...?" connie mumbled and looked back at you to see that you found what eren did funny. eren hissing at connie as if he was some type of predator. eren walked himself to take a seat right beside you, the three of you waiting for mateo to be done.

eren sat in a man spread position with his fingers rested on his temple to hold his head up from his propped elbow on the arm rest. you stared at connie who was still thinking about eren hissing at him out of no where and back to eren who was bobbing his head, imaginary music playing in his head.

eren did a double take after hearing you giggle at him and smiled at you as if he wasn't in pain, "well well well, you're a pretty girl," eren fixed his sitting position and leaned closer to you, his visible biceps were flexing as he moved.

eren's cheeks were all chubby as he kept smiling lazily at you, admiring your appearance. you knew it was the drugs talking for him so you were induced that anything that he says shouldn't be taken literal.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2022 ⏰

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